You wanna kiss me? (Tom Keifer x Jeff LaBar)

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Sorry, it's another short one. I'm working on a longer one what is a request.

The first time Tom and Jeff kissed, it was.. well it was kind no more like actually really awkward. They were both tipsy, or maybe a bit more than tipsy, in Tom's case. The kiss itself wasn't really much of a kiss, more like a fumbling press of lips on lips and an awkward moment in which they knocked their heads together.

All in all, it's safe to say that the kiss was a failure, and the two of them were too embarrassed to even think about trying it again.

They also avoided each other like the plague, whenever physical possible, which made it awkward for everyone. Three days of Tom and Jeff going the opposite way every time they so much as caught a glimpse of each other got old really fast, and in the end it was Eric who grabbed them both and forced them to sit down next to each other.

"Listen," he says, looking a little bit uncomfortable and very stressed. "You guys need to get over whatever happened, and if possible like right now, because none of us can deal with how awkward this is! Please stop ignoring each other and go back to being friends!"

They share a look, and Eric interjects again.

"Guys, I'm serious, I'll even get on my hands and knees and beg the two of you! Please don't make me do that. Just I don't know just em can't you guys just hug, kiss and make up?" He's apparently unaware that kissing was what had gotten them into this mess in the first place.

"I'm gonna leave you to uh, talk about it. Please don't put any of us through this anymore!" with that he leaves, off to find something less pathetic than Tom's and Jeff's apparent disagreement.

Now they're stuck there together all alone, side by side on the old ratty couch.

"We can just.. forget it happened?" Tom offers weakly, shrugging. Jeff ponders the offer. It would be easier to forget the a kiss and move on.. But that would probably mean no kissing would happen in there future.

Just because they'd gotten it wrong the first time didn't necessarily mean they'd get it wrong every time, right? And they'd both been kind of drunk, which was probably why the kiss had been weird.

"Or we em maybe we could try it again," Jeff suggests, before he can think better of it. "I mean.. If you want to. We don't have to."

Tom's whole face lights up like a kid on Christmas morning. "You want to kiss me?"

Jeff just slowed nods.

"Let's do it!" Tom grins, shifting closer to Jeff. "C'mere."

Jeff leans in, and Tom leans in too, and their lips meet in a gentle press. It's sweet and chaste, this time round it goes a lot better than their first attempt.

"That was better, don't you think?" Tom looks pleased, a happy smile on his face.

"So much better." Jeff leans in and kisses Tom again.

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