Growing family(Axl rose X Slash)

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This is an Mpreg and an Alpha x Omega. This was also a request so I hope you like it and yeah. I know I haven't post much this month but there will be two Nikki x Tommy ones up there are short and in sorry about that but there also will be another one out latter tonight or in the next few days that is gonna be longer and smut!

It was a quite snowy winters morning that, was until 3:00 am when Slash's blood curdling screams where heard throughout the house as he jolts right awake from his peaceful sleep, in the process startling and awakening his husband in the process.

"Saul? Slashie, What's wrong baby?" He half-screams, very concerned for his Omega. "HNG-GAH! Axl! It hurts!" Slash pants, clutching onto his swollen tummy. Axl takes this as the signal to pick him up bridal style and rush him to the Car whilst screaming for Izzy to drive to the hospital.

Izzy was staying with them due to an argument he'd had with Duff.

He wastes no time getting in the car and telling Izzy to 'Fucking drive faster!' as, Slash starts to thrash around further. "Axl!! ALPHA IT HURTS!" "I know, I know baby, we're almost there, deep breaths." He tries to calm him down by placing his hand on Slash's hand.

Almost immediately, Slash grabs onto it and squeezes it for dear life, making Axl yelp from the pain, Izzy laughed to himself quietly having been through this himself with Duff. Axl did NOT expect Slash to squeeze his hand that tight. However instead of tending to his own pain, his first priority was to get this baby out of Slash's body. As fast as they could.

Once at the Hosptial, Axl calls for help. A doctor comes rushing over to him and ask what's wrong. "My husband his having a baby!" "Ok, everything will be ok, I need you to set him down."

Axl nods as he carefully puts Slash down and lets the doctor push the bed to a privet room. The doctor then puts a towel over Slash's legs as he inspects the dilation.  "A few more centimetres and you'll be ready to start pushing." He says, looking up from the towel to face Axl, who nods and caresses the top of Slash's head, wiping away the sweat and stray strands of hair that's stuck to his face.

Axl couldn't stand seeing his Omega in pain. He couldn't stand seeing him screaming in pain. A part of him thought that it was his fault because he was the one to knot inside Slash, but another part says at least it was him and not some other Alpha. 

That thought alone made him growl as he put his head in the crook of Slash's neck, gently nipping at their bond mark whilst being hidden behind Slash's curly hair.

Slash relaxes a bit at this motion before he arches his back as another contraction hits, tears now swelling his chocolate brown eyes.

"Okay, you can start pushing now." The doctor announces after what seemed like twenty long agonizing minutes.  "Uh- what do I do?" Axl asks, looking like a lost puppy during the mess happening all around.  "Just stay by his side, maybe let Saul hold your hand."

Axl moves to the right side of the bed to give Slash his hand. "Ok Saul, when I count to three, I want you to squeeze your husband's hand and push, yeah?" he says while positioning himself at the foot of the bed with a small basin of warm water and a towelette.

"One, Two, Three, PUSH!"

"HNNNNGGGG AHH!" Slash screams as he clutches onto Axl's hand.  "That's good. Very nice. Do it again, NOW!"  Slash pushes again and screams louder, turning red and flooding with tears. Axl kisses his temple as he wipes more sweat from his face. "You're doing amazing, Salshie. Just a bit more." Axl coos.


A few moments later, a cry can be heard.  "Congratulations to the two of you, it's a baby girl." The doctor says, cleaning up the child before giving it to Axl.  He leaves the room to give the new parents some time alone after checking the baby over. 

Axl smiles as he sees the little bundle wrapped in blankets in his arms. The little girl was wailing and fussing a mere few seconds ago, but after having scented her father, she calmed down and settled in his arms.

She had Slash's brown curls and Axl's piercing bluey green eyes. The Omega on the bed looked at the two, grinning widely at the sight.  "You did it, ma. You gave us a Baby, my baby had our baby." The Alpha whispers, tears clearly clouding his vision.  Slash hums in delight as the realisation of how bad they've wanted this, how much they've been dreaming of  this moment, how many years there dreamt of this and how many years he thought he would never had this.

"Sorry for threatening to cut off your dick." He mutters, shifting to a more comfortable position on the bed. Axl smiles at his lover, letting him know that he didn't take it personally and gazes at the baby lovingly, she shuffles in his arms only to smile once her face hits his chest. His eyes glazed with a newfound objective. To protect this little bundle. To protect their baby.

Axl's mind gives him flashbacks of before they reunited. How much he and Slash wanted a baby and how much they tried for one, but with Slash's addiction and Axl starting fight's every night, they couldn't.

It would have been a suicide, Slash wouldn't have been able to cope and Axl feared he would turn into his father or mother, and he didn't want that from his own kid. It then gave him the image of his Omega's distraught face as he told him it was over, that he wasn't in the band anymore and that they were done.

Until he rang Slash. Years and years of torture and pain and missing the one he loved, years of thinking he'd lost Slash forever, flash in his mind. Unknowingly Axl's grip tightens around his baby girl, wanting nothing more than to shield her away from the world and it's harsh, savage ways.

Slash sees this and places his hand on Axl's shoulder, calling him back down from his thoughts. "Ax?" Axl looks deep into his Omega's eyes with such love and care. Such admiration and adoration. His arms soften as the flashbacks disappear into the back of his mind as he leans ever so carefully to kiss Slash's lips.

The baby stirs as the scent of her mama reaches her nose. She starts to make whimpering noises as an obvious indicator that she wants to be fed. Axl chuckles and gently puts her atop Slash's chest as he removes his shirt for her to gain easier access.  Slash puts her in front of his left nipple and almost immediately, she starts to suckle on it, leaving Slash with a happy sigh.

"Thought of a name yet?" The older man asks, sitting down on the bed as he watches his lover and his Newborn with awe. "Violet Hudson Rose." Slash smiles bright and gazes deep into Axl's eyes.

Axl gives a shocked reaction as he feels goosebumps around his body and a tingling feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Violet Hudson Rose." He repeats, smile so big it was a bit concerning as tears finally rush down his face. "Our little Violet Rose." Slash looks down to the now-asleep baby, everything he had ever wanted was in this very room. His lover. His child. 

"Our little violet Rose." Axl whispers again, voice croaking as he, too, looks at the little bundle in Slash's arms.

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