Home again (Jon Bon Jovi X Richie Sambora)

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Sorry in advance if there's any mistakes I ended up writing most of this in my phone and for some reason it don't like Jon's name it keeps trying to change it 😂 but I hope you enjoy this!!

It's strange having Richie back in the house.

It shouldn't be, Jon thinks as he sits on the sofa, morning mug of coffee in hand. Richie returned home this morning, suitcases in one hand an beloved guitar in the other, looking tired and smelling of airplane, but looking so cute that Jon couldn't help but pull the older man into a hug for a good long minute.

He's upstairs showering off the hours of air travel now, an Jon can hear the muffled sound of the water along with Richie's humming. The sound of someone else in the house after the stillness of the past few months is startling, and Jon can't quite believe he's really back.

Four and a half months is really a small sliver of time compared with the years they've spent together, and it's not like they haven't spoken in some way every single day. Even so, Jon has felt the lack of his mookie in the house these past few months. It has felt so oddly still and quiet with him gone. He's noticed it every day, the silence filling up the odd empty spaces in the house that he's never noticed before, making the house seem far too big.

The silent mornings have been free of dragging or trying to drag Richie outta bed till, Richie just pulls Jon back to bed for more sleep. The afternoons are quieter too, and he's missed hearing the distant sounds of Richie's laughter from across the house, a sure sign that he's calling someone from his team, setting up last-minute tour details. Jon felt weird, it was normal his job to deal with that stuff but now its Richie's as this is not a bon Jovi tour just a Richie one. Jon had to fill the evenings with his own dinner decisions, his own choice of tv shows. He's had to reach out and invite friends around himself.

It's not been horrible though, being alone. He's managed. He's actually enjoyed the wide stretches of alone time. He's gotten a lot of work done without having Richie there as a potential distraction, who was normally meant to be helping him. He's even picked up some of his old hobbies again, like when he decided to reread some of his favourite novels an he's spent lots of time with his family, and with David.

Still, there's been little things he has missed.

Richie fondly huffing at him from there office ish room when he hops down the stairs, calling out warnings to him ("Jonny, you're goanna fucking break the stairs or your neck one of these days!")

Making weird animal sounds to fill the silence (and hearing Richie make an even more obnoxious sound back at him from wherever he was in the house).

Their little habits and routines, Friday Fry-day, getting overly invested in their favourite shows, doing yoga together every Tuesday morning (Jon doing the yoga an Richie just fucking round), tidying up the house every Sunday. Thursday music day what they loved the most a day where they listen to music or play it themselves, dance round the house an sing, sometime writing music.

However perhaps most importantly, he thinks, as he looks up to seeing Richie standing there at the entrance to the living room, being able to see Richie in-person.

"What're you smiling about?" Richie asks, his voice fond, moving forward. Richie's messy mop of hair still damp from his shower, his shirt is slightly crooked, and his skin is pink from the too-hot water he prefers to use. He's right there, right within touching distance, not thousands of kilometres away in the uk, and Jon can't help but smile even wider. He stands up from the sofa and steps forward to close the distance, reaches out and takes Richie's hand, letting their fingers curl together.

"Just thinking about you. How the universe would've probably torn itself apart if we'd been separated for any longer," Jon says. "I'm really glad you're home."

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