Don't let go (Axl Rose x Slash)

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"No, I'm not leaving!" "Axl, visiting hours are over, we'll come back  tomorrow-" "I don't care. I'm staying with him." Izzy tried to reason with Axl put it was pointless, the redhead was not leaving the hospital without slash alive and walking.

He could hear voices but they all mixed together, he couldn't tell you who the voices belonged to. Slash tried to focus, to wake up, but he blacked out again. Slash was floating. He couldn't feel anything physically, just a never-ending darkness. He had no idea how long it had been.

Mentally, though, was a whole other story. His mind was tearing itself apart, if he could have felt something, he was sure he'd be having a migraine. He could hear bits and pieces of what was going on, mostly just distorted voices, and emotions he couldn't place his finger on. He felt the presence of people coming and going, never quite able to place his finger on who was who. He felt several doctors and nurses come in. Those he could figure out, since they had a certain energy about them, and one other person, who he never felt leave.

Axl had an iron grip on his hand. He was sitting uncomfortably in a chair next to Slash's bed, his eyes bloodshot. He had tear streaks on his face. He ran his other hand through Slash's hair, letting his tears fall down his face in silence. If slash was awake, he would have joked about how if this was all it took to get Axl Rose to stay quiet for a while, he'd have done this years ago.

Axl was getting choked up, he buried his face into the bed right next to Slash's still figure. He ran one hand through Slash's hair again, the beautiful brown curls were looking less beautiful an bouncy more lifeless an matted. He ran his thumb along Slash's knuckles,watching him and hoping he'd wake up.

"You're my best friend, you know that?"

No response.

But Axl kept talking.

"You're one of the few people that hears me out. One of the few that doesn't get sick of me. Remember that first night at your house? I was an asshole and screamed at you about the snake an how you where stupid for having one as a pet an the shit I said bout your mother but you didn't leave, kick me out or punch me you put up with my mood swings you never left. You where never a asshole back to me not even after i had breakdown an destroyed everything I could get my hands on, even your guitar, but you just it ugh it was never you, Slash. Never. You laughed it off. Hell, you never even brought it up again, we just talked about music. You heard me out, we bounced ideas off each other... I started trusting you more than I trust anyone else in the world. More then Izzy an I still do. Hell, you know me better than I know myself sometimes. It's weird, no matter how many people I talk to, or hang out with, whenever there's a party or something I'd much rather be with you, even if you're sitting in the corner, doing nothing and just watching people. I guess that's just what having a best friend is, the person you choose to do nothing with over doing anything with anyone else."

He took a deep breath. "Most people thought it was weird, the happy, lovable shy guy and the loud, angry asshole guy spending every moment together, every day. I never looked at it that way. All I saw was Slash, my best friend, spending time with me. Whether we were writing songs, or just listening to music, I love being around you. I don't care if I have to wait here for a week, a month or even a year, I'm not leaving till I have you leaving with me.. alive an walking not in a box."

The next day brought to you by Slash's snakes just looking at Axl them trying to kill him.(they didn't appreciate the snake dance)


"Slash!" Axl's head snapped up, ginger hair flying all over the place, looking into Slash's brown eyes. He wasn't dreaming, as only the real Slash had eyes that beautiful. Slash was awake. He was going to be okay. Axl rested his head on Slash's chest again, this time out of relief, not out of some desire for comfort. He breathed in deeply, absorbing Slash's warmth.

"I was so scared..." Slash held his shaking friend, suddenly feeling guilty. "Why- why are you here? Visiting hours look like they're over, the place is completely dark."

"I couldn't leave without you." "

"What do you mean?"

"I couldn't stand the thought of going back home, or to the studio, or anywhere without you. I hid in the bathroom attached to this room, acted like I was long gone when they came to ask me to leave."

Slash bit the inside of his cheek as hard as he could, there was no way he was going to cry, not now. "How- how long have you been here Axl?"

"Four days."

"I-" Slash cut himself off. Four days of hiding in the bathroom, memorizing which nurse was going to come when so he could stay with Slash, in a hospital room with one tiny window. Axl Rose, energetic, Loud, Mood Swings, kinda a asshole stayed in a cramped room for four days with Slash so he wouldn't be alone.

"What, Slasher?"

"I didn't realize I meant that much to you..."

"You do! You do. You're my best friend in the world. I don't know where I'd be without you, probably still making one bad decision after the other, probably trying to off myself. You've always been the most amazing person in the world to me, Slash. From the day we meet. From when we stayed up talking coz I couldn't sleep or the comforting me after my nightmares or my mood swings an trashing a hotel room. You're my best friend in the whole fucking world, man I -" Axl teared up, clutching onto Slash's arm for dear life. He let out a few gut-wrenching sobs, burying his face into the younger one's shoulder.

"Fuck..." Slash's voice broke. "Ax, I never meant to hurt you like this... Shit, I didn't know I actually meant something other than a shitty friend you found annoying, or a jun-" He cut himself off.

"Saul, please keep talking but don't say that your more then a annoying junkie." Axl mumbled.

"I always had stage fright, em but you knew that. I always tried to be something other then me like you, you have confidence on stage you own that stage when your on it an I just yeah. What you didn't know is that I - fuck, Axl, I can't say it."

"Slash, please try, it's eating away at you."

"I hated myself, too. I wanted nothing to do with myself. Hell, maybe make myself nothing. That's where the Heroin came in... I just wanted to be able to play on stage an feel like I belonged up there, I wanted to be worthy of this shit ya know. I'm just a dumb kid who got lucky but can't stand himself. Ax. That's it oh fuck, I didn't even consider actually killing myself. I never wanted to leave you."

Axl sobbed, throwing himself on Slash and wrapping both arms around him. "You're not, Slash. You're not just a dumb kid who got lucky at all."

"I know that now, if I was, you wouldn't had stayed with me this whole time, you'd be writing a new song n all with the guys acting like I didn't exist or something."

Axl held on to Slash.

Slash squeezed his eyes shut. "I-I'll lose you..."

"What the fuck are you saying, your not gonna lose me?"

"I'm going to try n get clean myself if I can't I'm going rehab. I can't put you through this again."



"You getting clean at home by yourself no no I'm not gonna let you go through withdrawals by yourself."

"What -"

"I'm going to be with you, I'm gonna help you. I can't lose you either, I get it if you feel like you have to do this alone, though."

Slash couldn't hold back his tears anymore. "Th-thank you, Ax," He sobbed, holding onto Axl. "Ax, thank you so much. I didn't think I'd be able to get through it alone."

"Always, Slash. You're my best friend, I want to make sure you never feel alone again or like your not worthy of being in this band coz we need you there's no guns without you."

Slash smiled, holding him as close as possible to himself. "Axl?"


"Don't let go of me."

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