Insecure Sami Yaffa x Michael Monroe

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Sami was extremely aware that he wasn't the most attractive guy in world an especially not the most attractive member of the band. Yet always he claimed it didn't matter.

Sami was reminded of that every time they had a show, every time all of the groupies went for Razz or Andy.

Sami knew this, he always had known. However he tried desperately to accept it, he really he did, always saying he didn't care or that he didn't wanna sleep with groupies, but he couldn't, because it hurt.

It hurt him more than anything, he just wouldn't show it. He knew that he was the last choice, the end of the stick, never the person that was given first priority, he was just picked because, well he was all that was left.

Sami hated looking into a mirror as every time he did look in the mirror, he was reminded of that. He would try to scrunch up his face, to smooth his hair away from his face, try to make himself look more like somebody, anybody other then him.

He would look in the mirror and whisper insults against the glass, like it would magically change his appearance. He was hating himself for not looking good enough to get those flirtatious glances, those wanting touches.

"Hey, man. What's that face for, you ok?" Michael asked, appearing as suddenly as anything, his fluffy blonde hair like a halo around his head.

He gently wrapped his arm around Sami's skinny shoulders. "Sami you listening, Are you okay?" The smile on Michael face faded, but it was still slightly there, like diamonds in the rough.

"No." Sami poked the side of his face, and all he felt was skin and bone.

"Oh, My baby, My beautiful baby." Michael pulled Sami into one of his well loved hugs for a moment before he pushes him back slightly, still holding him close, his face falling.

Sami couldn't help but notice how soft Michael was, how free he was, how pretty he was, all the thing he himself was not. "What's wrong, huh?" Michael asked.

Sami slowly shook his hair out of his face, so he could look Michael in the eyes. "I can't stand my own fucking face, I hate it." He quietly muttered, hoping Michael didn't hear as the feeling of shame and anxiety pool in his stomach.

"I know honey." Michael gently kissed Sami's temple, so sweet. "You're the most gorgeous person on this planet to me. I know you can't see it but you really are. Your eyes, your face...I-it's love at first sight, Sami."

"You're so blind." Sami whispered, and he didn't see, truly, what somebody as bright and handsome as Michael, saw in him.

"Maybe I am. But you're the clearest thing I've ever seen." Michael replied as he softly kissed him before warping him in another warm embrace.

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