Forever Family • Andy Barber

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Husband/DILF!Andy x Wife!Reader

Flip Flop POV

Warnings; mentions of a car accident, of death, but I think the fluff makes up for it + Defending Jacob spoilers (sort of)

This is a request! ☺️ hope this was what you were looking for, honey.

~ Andy ~

I knock on my baby girl's door, I let her sleep in a little bit this morning since yesterday we got home late from pumpkin picking, catching a movie and eating a late dinner.

My wife loves Sundays because she loves to do family related activities with me and the girls.

"Avs?" I whisper, as I walk into her room and open the door, I whisper so I don't startle her.

She was stirring in her sleep, her hands coming under from under her covers to rub the sleep from her eyes.

She was just 5 years old, and just started Kindergarten. So, early mornings were a little rough since my wife and I would let Ava sleep in until about 9.

"Good morning, sweet girl," I kiss her forehead and open her blinds.

"Mornin' Daddy," she says the sweetest, droopy, voice.

I smile down at her, she's my little girl, the light in my world.

"Need a ride?" I smirk, opening my arms for her.

She giggled and nods, "yes!"

Hopping into my arms we head downstairs, where my wife was feeding our youngest.

~ Y/n ~

"Look it's Daddy and Sissy!" I rub the pad of my thumb against my 9 month old's cheek.

Andy drops Ava into a stool at the breakfast bar, and she excitedly taps her hands on the surface.

"Good morning, Miss Ava," I stand, and kiss her cheek, and then smother her in 10,000 more kisses.

"What about me?" Andy feels neglected, tightening his brows as he takes the empty baby bowl and placed it in the sink.

"C'mere you," I pucker my lips up and he smiles boyishly at me, grabbing my waist and kissing me until Ava separated us, pushing on my thigh.

"I hunger, mother!" She complains, "please, I need food."

I giggle, and reach down to pick her up, she was getting so big, but I'll still carry her until I can't.

Andy went to go pick up sweet baby Addie.

I've been married to Andy for almost 8 years now, and we have two healthy, beautiful baby girls: Ava & Adalynn

"What do you want, cupcake?" I ask Ava, "you want Mickey Mouse pancakes? Or Frosted Flakes?"

"Mickey Mouse Pancakes!" She cheers, I set her on the counter as she watches me cook.

She swings her legs back and forth, "Mommy?"

"Yes, baby?" I turn to face her, realizing Andy was changing baby Addie's diaper upstairs in her nursery.

So it was just me and Ava in the kitchen.

"How did you meet Daddy?"

I stir the pancake mix, and look at her, "where's this coming from, honey?"

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