Sweaty Eyes • Ransom Drysdale

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husband!Ransom x wife!Reader


Meeting Ransom was a huge coincidence, first of all you weren't supposed to even be in Boston, but of course your flight home had to make an emergency landing in Boston International. It's where you stumbled upon Ransom and his...cocky self.

You and him both jumped into the same cab on your way to get a hotel and get on the first flight home the following day. He refused to get out and so did you. You were so done with that horrible day; your flight being canceled and having to stop at a place you've never even been to, now dealing with a rude stranger.

To top it all off, Ransom kept flirting with you, saying how you were so hot, and sexy to be aggravated. You hated him. And you didn't even know him.

Something attracted you to him, so of course he paid for your hotel room, and made sure to wait for you in the lobby before you left so he could at least ask you out.

For some reason you said yes....

And here you guys were, living in Boston permanently with a 2 year old daughter, Ivy.

Ransom has always been emotionless, he hardly ever gets upset, or shows any happiness for that matter, unless he's with you or his daughter. He did not cry at your wedding, he didn't cry when the baby was born, he didn't cry when you got seriously hurt in an accident at work, nothing, you don't think you've ever seen him cry or tear up.

You're not even sure he can cry.

"Okay, Ivy Baby, what are we going to do with the binky?" Ransom holds Ivy in his arms as you speak to her softly, rubbing her little palm as you sat beside them on the couch.

"Goin' to give it to other babies who need it," your daughter speaks adorably, with her big eyes and soft baby face. She's teary eyed, not wanting to give her binky up. It's been a long time coming to get her to finally accept it, and you found the perfect way to get her to give it up.

"Yes my love," you kiss her cheek, this is hard for you too. Your baby is growing up. She nuzzles the side of her face into Ran's soft shirt.

Ivy sucks on it a few more times before she hesitantly brings her tiny hand up and takes it out of her mouth, slowly handing it to you, you hear a sniffle but Ivy isn't crying, she's teary eyed yes, but you don't see her crying or even sniffling.

Looking at your husband, you're both pleasantly and shockingly surprised to see two big droplets rolling down his face. You blink, and then again thinking you are dreaming...are those tears?

"Dada...sad..." Ivy mentions and presses her hand into the side of his face, he finally has the courage to look at his precious gift, his little baby girl, and kisses her palm.

"You did such a good job, Ivy, I'm so proud." There's a quiver to Ransom's voice, as he keeps crying, his baby girl getting older is just too much for him, especially because it means she's not going to be a baby forever.

Nothing like a daughter to soften a man up...like fucking butter.

After laying Ivy to sleep in her big girl bed, you carefully close the door, and make your way to your bedroom, you're just so shocked you cover your mouth and walk to his side of the bed, where he was pretending to sleep.

"Not a word, Y/n, I swear." He says while keeping his eyes closed.

"Ransom, I almost died in the hospital after my accident, I gave birth to your baby, I said vows that came from my heart in front of your entire family yet you did not shed one tear!" You tell him, with the biggest smile on your face, you're just glad he isn't broken, "not one!"

"Shut up," he murmurs, a tight expression on his face, he's obviously annoyed with you making it such a big deal.

"My softie!" You hop on him and he groans, but opens his arms to let you in anyway, "I knew you were soft like butter after all these years. Way deep in here, I just needed to make you a dad to do it." You motion his chest, poking it.

He fakes a snore, and refuses to answer you, but you know well he heard you.

You kiss his cheek, and then his lips as he holds you on top of him, rubbing your butt, while he pretended to sleep.

You wipe away the leftover tears accumulated in the corner of his eyes, marveled at the fact that your husband cried at the sight of your baby girl giving up her binky...

He's not so mean and grumpy after all...

a/n: super short & sweet one shot, I am having a good time on my trip thanks you guys for reaching out and worrying about me! 😊💕 I'm not as active on instagram while I'm away but I am active on here. I love you guys so much, your comments, votes and feedback are always appreciated! 🌈✨🌻💛

See you guys in the next update.... 🖤

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