Stay Away! • Chris Evans

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first update of 2023 with many more to follow 💕

boyfriend!Chris x girlfriend!reader

*new year's eve edition*

~ Y/n ~

We are 2 hours into the new year, and I'm at my boyfriend Chris's party he hosted for the New Year.

He throws the best parties. And it was at a party like this that I met him. And I'm so grateful I did.

And although he spent almost all night with me, Mackie and Sebastian pulled him away, I know they are somewhere in this loft but I don't know exactly where.

I walk off the dance floor from dancing with Scarlett and Lizzie, "I'm gonna go find Chris!"

They yell back above the music, "okay!"

Entering inside where the bar was, I catch Lisa and with Chris's nephews and niece.

Poor things looked so tired.

"Aw, are you guys leaving?!" I ask, and carry Stella when she jumped into my arms.

"Yeah," Lisa sighs, "they're so tired and it's past their bedtime anyway."

"Aw, alrighty, good night Miss Stella." I kiss her cheek and set her down, she just yawns and rubs her eye.

"Good night boys, don't give Mimi too much trouble." I smile at Miles and Ethan.

"Have you seen Chris, by any chance?" I ask Lisa and she is now carrying a sleeping Stella.

"Last I saw him he was by the pool table with his friends." She says worriedly, "is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I just haven't seen him in a while. I'm going to go check if they're still there." I touch her arm and bring her in for a hug.

They leave and I make sure they get to their car alright.

Lisa was watching the kiddos today while Chris's sister and husband attended a separate NYE party.

Walking up the stairs, I hear deep laughing, I just hope Chris is fine. He tends to let loose with his friends and end up in trouble.

My big baby.

Walking to the pool table area, sure enough I spot Seb, Mackie and Chris.

Chris's eyes land on me and he gasps, moving past Mackie and to me in what seemed like three steps because of how long his legs are, "baby!"

I know he's drunk because he's leaning all his weight on me and I'm about two seconds from crashing into the ground with this 6'0 foot hunk of a man on top of me.

Fortunately he pulls away and cradles my face, squeezing my cheeks hard, "so pretty."

"MACKIE!" I close my eyes and remove Chris's hands from my face.

Chris gasps again, "so little but so angry."

I move past Chris and walk to Mackie, Chris right on my tail, with his hands circling around my waist.

"I told you not to give him so much to drink." I calmly remind him.

"He was asking for more!" Mackie defends himself, I could tell he was a bit tipsy too, "right, Stan?"

"This is true." Seb responds.

I look at him and he seems fine, normal. Not like these two goofs.

I sigh, and pushing Chris's hands away from me, "please don't give him anymore. Okay?"

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