Scars • Andy Barber FF*

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This one shot is part of my previous one shot called, Forever Family • Andy Barber.

It's based on a little follow up to Y/n's *four ex boyfriends*

Also known as the FF* series/universe😊

You can read this one shot on its own, but I recommend reading the first one so it makes more sense ✨

Warnings: lots of time slips, and mentions to the past, third POV = the past + many special *CE* guests.

husband!Andy x wife!reader

~ Y/n ~

"Andy our daughters will be home any second," I say, with pain and in between kisses as he cradle my face in his hand, grabbing my ass as well.

Ava and Addie were at school, soon to be dropped off by the bus any second, just to walk in on their parents making out on the couch like teenagers.

"I just wanna love you before they get home, then I'll have to share you." He whispers, pushing the back of my head further into his so he could keep kissing me.

"You're such a sweet talker, handsome," I smile, and pull away, leaving him to chase after my lips as I do.

I look at his features, dark beard, soft dark hair, ruddy pink cheeks, plump lips and soft blue eyes.

"How did I get so lucky?" I gently kiss his neck, licking over his pulse point.

I hear him groan, which shoots bolts of electricity to my center, his hands are roaming my back, down to grab my ass again, grinding me on him, which will end up him getting all worked up since our kids are coming soon.

"You mean how did I get so lucky?" He responds, "I thought for sure I wasn't going to whisk you away from that trust fund asshole."

I roll my eyes playfully, giggling at Andy mentioning my ex boyfriend, "I was already in your arms the day he broke up with me."

"That still doesn't mean I didn't have to fight for you to even give me the time of day." Andy says, rubbing his thumb over my cheek.

" know he was the jealous type, and for your own good I'd turn you down gently." I frown, remembering how many times I told Andy I couldn't go out with him.

"Let's not talk about him," I say before he could get the chance to speak again, "just be thankful you're the one who ended up getting me pregnant and kept as a pretty housewife in our big house."

"Mmm..." he groans again, "you're right."

Suddenly the door opens, storming in comes 12 year old Addie, holding up her Language Arts project.

"Hi Addie!" Andy and I greet our kids, "hi, Avs, how was school?"

And behind her, 17 year old Ava, shutting the front door and stomping her way up the stairs.

Addie turns to look at Ava heading up the stairs, angrily, and she jumps when Ava slams her door shut.

I look at Andy, but I couldn't meet his eyes because his hand was already covering them — and a forming headache.

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