Captivated • Lloyd Hansen

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Can be read as a stand-alone or as a part two (technically a prequel) of my first Lloyd one shot: I Knew You Were Trouble.

Where it all began for Lloyd & Sunshine...✨

A little prequel to my first Lloyd one shot 🙈 hope you guys like!! ❤️

Warnings: violence, mentions of weapons, smut (of course)

~ Y/n ~

I'm walking around in my bedroom, waiting for my boyfriend to show up.

Haven't seen him in what feels like weeks, and even when he was home he'd just lock himself away into his study or be off in meetings and negotiations.

I've been on my own since I was 18, and when Andres found me I was a little bit older, I was working at a restaurant in Spain when 10 guys with guns came rushing in...

~ 📍Madrid, Spain • A Few Years Ago ~

I scrub hard at a small patch of dried steak sauce at the edge of my last table. I spray it with a blotch of cleaning solution and repeat, but nothing.

"Adios, Y/n!" Catalina, my co worker says goodbye to me.

"Bye, Cata!" I wave to her, as she leaves and the bell above the door jingles.

I focus my attention back to this stain, my boss likes for all the tables to be clean before I leave. And if they are all clean, that's when he hands me my tips from the day.

I walk over behind the counter and grab another rag, and then I try my hardest to get it out with more cleaning solution.

Then the bell above the door jingles again, must be Cata, probably forgot her keys.

I'm laser focused on getting rid of this stain but I'm still aware of my surroundings, "forgot your llaves?" I say keys in Spanish.

When I don't hear her answer, that's when I pick my head up, and I register what seemed like a handful of masked men.

One of them put their finger towards their lips, signaling me to be quiet.

A handsome tall man, enters then, after another man spoke into his ear piece saying, "todo bien."

"He's in his office," a man with a heavy accent follows the taller handsome man.

The handsome man stops to look at me, then looks at his men, "make sure she stays."

I'm shaking like a leaf I'm so scared.

"She's collateral, Andres, we have to get rid of her." The much smaller man says.

"I'm right here! And I-I'm a human being, how could you say t-that?" My voice shakes, as I talk, with all these bad men staring at me and holding weapons.

But I sure as hell won't let them kill me.

"She stays," the man, who's name is Andres, says and walks to my boss's office.

I watch as Andres walks down the hall, and pulls a gun out from his waistline.

I'm kept under the watchful eye of his men. Until I hear Andres start yelling at my boss.

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