Purfect Pair! • Chris Evans

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Chris Evans x vet tech reader


"Okay, sweetie, you are all done! What a good boy you are!" You pet behind Dodger's ears and the top of his head.

He's such, such a good boy anytime he comes to visit the office, it's his annual check up today and Chris is grateful it's you looking at Dodger, for the past two years it's always been you.

It's why he's wearing so much cologne right now, and his hands are sweaty, his heart racing. Yet he finds the confidence to find the words to tell you what's he's always wanted to tell you for the past two years.

"I'll see you guys in a year!" You smile and slide your pen back into your white coat pocket and type down the rest of the notes in your computer for Dodger's check up today.

"How about um...next week? Saturday?" The words are already falling from his mouth no going back now, "I'll treat you to brunch?"

You smile gently at the tall man, who seems to be very nervous, Chris is handsome, like exquisite even more in person. But you really thought you were out of your league so you'd just admire him.

But now he was asking you on a date. A DATE!

"I have to volunteer at my friend's adoption center, but I'm free for a late lunch?" You really would like to go, but you'd also wouldn't want to cancel on your friend.

"Sounds like a date," Chris speaks his eyes trained on you, completely. Not caring about Dodger who's pawing at his pants, wanting to leave this scary place.

Chris leans down to pet dodge, letting him know everything was okay.

Taking out your pen once again, you wrote down your number and hand it to him, "here, boy, want a treat? You did so good today!"

Placing a treat for Dodge at the center of your palm, Chris just wants to marry you right then and there. You're perfect. You love animals, you love Dodger, and by the looks of it Dodger loves you too the way he nuzzled his face into your neck, and licked your face.

~ The Date ~

"So why a vet tech?" Chris asks you from across the table, it's a beautiful spring day and you guys are just talking about everything.

Naturally and easily.

Getting to know Chris more and you love his personality, famous but down to earth, loves to help out where he can, and he's really reserved and loves to spend time outdoors and with family.

He loves going on adventures, and traveling, but enjoys his time at home too.

"I love animals, ever since I was a child," you explain, "something about them, that a human can't offer." You grin at Dodger being such a good boy lying by your legs.

Normally he likes to lie on Chris's feet, but with you, he feels comfortable and that's just one more thing Chris loves about you. Yes, loves.

Chris can't stop beaming over you, he's blaming himself for not making a move sooner, and you can't look into his sparkling eyes without feeling the heat rise up to your cheeks so you just play it off cool and pet Dodger.

"I adore dogs, especially, they're just amazing. I've always had a dog in my life and when I came across Dodger it was a perfect time to adopt one. Although I thought I would always get a puppy, technically Dodger was a puppy when I got him."

Smiling at the story you nod and agree with him, "yes, little Dodger here is just a baby still, despite being bigger than puppies. Some people don't understand that just because a dog is taller in stature doesn't mean he's older."

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