Drinks On Me • Andy Barber

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attorney! Andy x attorney! Reader


Happy Monday! Here it is, a very special Andy part. Looking forward to reading what you guys thought and any feedback🌟❤️

It's another late night at the firm, you bite down on the edge of your pen. Your glasses sitting on the bridge of your nose.

The glow from your computer illuminates your face. You feel like you've been hear all day, and the three lattes you had this morning on your desk tell you that you're right.

You've been here since the morning, trying to finish this case. But it was like there was a blockage in your head. Despite all the witness information and testimonies, and all the evidence gathered by your team — you still couldn't find that one piece needed to crack this case.

You've been doing this a lot, staying here at work late. And sometimes you just crash on the couch in your office.

Any psychologist who would take one good look at you, would say you're avoiding going home.

You separated from your former husband, but the divorce isn't finalized yet. He doesn't live there anymore though. Yet you can't handle hearing yourself think in that damned house.

And Fred, the divorce attorney from one floor below your firm, doesn't seem to be in a rush to finalize anything.

Not since you threw all his shit onto the lawn, after finding out the affair he was having with his secretary. Six fucking years of your life...poof...in one night all that time meant nothing.

You don't notice a figure walk by your office, until they were doing a double take and walking back.

"Hey. You were working late too?"

Your eyes fall off your computer screen and onto Andy. Andrew Barber. Another lead prosecutor here at the firm. There were four big ones, who each had their own team.

Andy, you, and two other hot shot lawyers. The top four in the entire Boston area.

"Yeah," you confess, "and I probably will be. Are you done for the night?"

You look at his tired eyes, and you don't even have to hear him answer. He was probably exhausted, and wanting to go home.

"Yeah. After I basically had to force myself away from my desk," Andy looks down at his watch, then back at you, "it's getting really late. Maybe you should head home too."

Inhaling through your nose, you refuse, "I'm good, Andy. You go ahead. See you tomorrow."

Andy nods, smiling defeatedly, "see you tomorrow," he murmurs back, walking out of your office and he was just about to reach the main door when something draws him back.

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