I Was Your Baby Too • Chris Evans

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husband!Chris x wife!reader


"Good night, sweet girl," You watch your husband lull your baby girl to sleep, she was just about to knock out.

As Chris swayed her back and forth in his warm arms. You admire and swoon the way her little chunky hand was on his bare chest, as she sucked on her binky slowly.

Her eyes getting heavy, and those long eyelashes which she inherited from her father, slowing their movements as she entered a deep sleep.

Until her father stopped giving her butt taps, which she opened her eyes completely and reached out to pinch his chin.

Chris giggles and resumes gently tapping her bum, soothing her to go night night, a few minutes later she finally does and your husband kisses her good night.

You disappear off into your shared bedroom, getting ready to hit the hay as well, Chris joins you in the bathroom and you both brush your teeth, speaking about random things here and there.

Before he was swooping you up and taking you back to the bed, he sets you down easy and turns the lights off to join you.

He notices the pout on your lips isn't good, you were thinking long and hard about something. He can hear your thoughts.

"What is it, angel face?" He whispers out into the dark bedroom.

Your husband knows you well.

"It's just..." you sigh, struggling to find your words, while you create shapeless figures on his bare chest, his arm around you and settling on your hip, keeping you close.

"Take your time," He kisses your temple, waiting patiently for you to confess what's been bothering you.

"I...I was your baby once too." You admit, it's not jealousy you feel for you daughter, god no, you want Chris to spoil her and love her endlessly.

It's just you wish he kept babying you like when we first started dating. He'd speak to you in a sweet voice, cuddle you, feed you, spoil you...

"You still are my baby, bub," he tries not to giggle because he doesn't know if you're joking or being serious, "always will be."

You look up at him, at the same time he feels you shuffle so he looks towards you, "then I want booty rubs as well," you frown.

Now he knows you're only just teasing. Making fun of how he gets your baby girl to sleep.

You narrow your eyes at his chuckles, "I'm not joking Christopher. I want to be babied by you. Please?"

The sparkle in your eye and the way you aren't chuckling with him, let's him know actually you aren't joking.

You were his first baby it's true, he'd spoil you, and speak to you sweetly, and look at you like you could never do anything wrong.

You still are his baby, his love, and he's so in love with you. You should know, everyone else does.

"Come here, baby," he says in his sweetly, bringing you closer to his body as he lets his hand run down your back and on your bum, gently rubbing, to make you fall asleep.

You sigh in content, yes, this is what you wanted, it feels nice and comforting, listening to Chris's slow breathing and heart beat, being in his warmth under the comforter of your shared bed.

You were just about to doze off when he reaches into your pajama shorts and squeezes your ass, returning to rub it, only this time on your bare skin.

"Not those kind of booty taps, Christopher," you take his hand out and settle it back onto your butt on your pajamas.

He laughs out into the room, you're so cute. He loves you, he really does.

"Good night, my baby, I love you," he softly speaks, turning on his side to face you completely. Using his other hand to continue your booty taps.

"Night bubby," you sigh out, feeling so warm and sleepy, "I love you forever."

a/n: super fluffy and super short, I love one shots like these. I want to make more of them, but I guess I'm so used to writing long stories. But I absolutely love the true one shots which are short and sweet like this one!

 But I absolutely love the true one shots which are short and sweet like this one!

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