Just Another Fairytale • Steve Rogers

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Once Upon A Time....in a mystical land far far away, where animals had human characteristics such as being able to speak, cruel creatures lived hidden in the woods, and most importantly where miracles happened and wishes came true, lived the King and Queen, along with their son, ruling the people of Brookline....

Prince!Steve x Baker!Reader

~ Steve ~

"This isn't a good idea," I tell Bucky, who was happily walking down the empty, silent, streets of Brookline.

Brookline has been my home ever since I was born, I grew up here, my father is the King and my mother the Queen.

"It's an excellent idea," Bucky nods, "it's good for you to get fresh air and look at something other than your fancy ceiling in your bedroom!"

I did not grow up with Bucky, if I did, I might've been dead now. I met him overseas during the war, my father enrolled me in the military and I was away for about a year and a half.

This was after the experiment, I was a very sick child, my mother thought I'd pass before my 6th birthday. But despite the asthma, the bone deformities, and the heart palpitations - I made it to my 18th birthday - barely.

My parents were just about to try for another child, the spare of the throne, seeing it as I could die at any given moment. But there was a doctor, who said he could heal me.

And he did, using a serum, he claims were made by scientists of a far away land.

Soon after that I was sent off to the military, and brought back my best friend, Bucky.

"What's wrong with my room?" I follow him, hesitantly.

Bucky leads us to the dock, and I nervously look around for any goblins, gremlins, dark fairies, witches or any other mystical creature that are always up to no good.

"Look!" Bucky says a bit louder than I'd like, his voice echoing and bouncing off the tall buildings in downtown Brookline.

Anxiety courses through my veins, as I tell him, "Sh! We aren't supposed to be out here, especially without some sort of protection."

I wave my hand at the dark, empty streets with no guards or knights watching or protecting whatsoever.

"Tell me Rogers," Bucky pats my shoulder, "could you get this view from your room?"

I look out towards the beautiful body of water Brookline has, it sure is beautiful, our sunsets even better.

I grumble at him, "yes, from looking outside my window, in my room."

"You're no fun." Bucky frowns, moving away from me and sitting abruptly at the edge of the dock.

"Sit, Steven," Bucky says after I stayed quiet and standing behind him, "we need to talk seriously."

"About?" I sigh, carefully taking a seat beside him, my legs dangling above the waves crashing below us.

"About Princess Margaret Carter, that's who," Bucky smiles, dreamily, looking at the clouds, "she's going to be at your birthday ball in a few months."

"Never heard of her." I speak truthfully. And god why did he need to remind me of my stupid birthday ball?

"I truly wonder what your life will become once I'm not here." Bucky speaks mostly to himself, "Princess Margaret, my friend, is divine and queen material. As your best friend, I live through you, therefore, your decision in picking a queen has been made easy."

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