It's Not Fourth of July! • Steve Rogers

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also to my fellow American's on here, Happy 4th! ☺️🇺🇸🎆

* Fourth of July edition *

This is a sequel to this years Mother's Day imagine, you may remember our sassy girl Sophia, so technically this is a part 2 ❤️‍🔥

If you didn't read my Mother's Day imagine this year don't worry, it will still make sense to read, ILY ALL! 💌💕🌈

If you didn't read my Mother's Day imagine this year don't worry, it will still make sense to read, ILY ALL! 💌💕🌈

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Walking into your daughter's room, you rub your growing bump. Everyday it gets a little bigger, but last night it seemed like it grew tremendously.

Sophia was cozied up was in the edge of her bed, she rolls around a lot when she sleeps, most of her comforter was hitting the ground including her blanket.

But most importantly her stuffy was tucked underneath her arm, protected.

Steve loves to have the house be the equivalent to a night in Alaska—it's freezing. And he won't let you put it down.

You haven't even bothered to go and lower it because you get these insane hot flashes, courtesy of baby number three.

"Sweetheart? Good morning."

The sun shines into Sophia's princess themed room, shining onto her face and you smile realizing how much she looks just like Steve.

Whenever someone says the kids look like you or Steve, you're relieved because who else would they look like.

Bending down only your upper body, you cup the side of her precious little face, "Sophia, sweetie. It's time to wake up."

She was literally in a princess castle, her bed was there, after Steve hand built it with his own hands after Sophia turned two years old and could sleep in a big girl bed.

He'll do anything for this little girl.

"Is Daddy with you?" She asks, her voice croaky from sleep. But still has that little toddler rasp.

Her eyes are closed, as you brush your fingers against her temple. Petting her wild hair back, "no baby, he's not here yet."

"Then I'm not waking up until he is!"

Sophia has missed Steve terribly, he's been away on a work trip for three weeks now. And hell, even you're missing him like crazy.

Sometimes all two kids sleep in the bed with you, something Steve didn't allow because he didn't want them to get used to it and have his chance of sexy time with you taken away from him.

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