Back Together • Chris Evans

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Ex-Wife!Reader x Ex-Husband!Chris

Flip flop POV


"Welcome back to Entertainment Tonight, hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far, to begin our show, we unfortunately have some bad news." Nischelle frowns at the camera, gathering some papers in front of her.

"One of Hollywood's hottest couples are, unfortunately divorcing. Chris Evans and his wife, Y/n Evans have signed the papers sources say and that each one of them have taken it pretty harsh..."

"...the couple shares two children, 9 year old twins Nathaniel and Catherine, sources also confirmed that Nathaniel will reside with their mother Y/n and Catherine will reside with her father, Chris...unfortunate news, and I don't know how we're all supposed to function after the separation of our favorite couple...but we must move on..."

~ Y/n ~

I open the trunk of my car to grab the remaining grocery bags, and put them in the garage. I close the trunk and make my way inside where Dodger was chasing Nate whom was on a skateboard.

"Nathan Scott Evans! How many times have I told you no skateboarding in the house?" I reprimand him, putting my sunglasses at the top of my head, and burying my face in my hands when I hear him continue to skate throughout the house.

He's acting out, and I know why. He misses his dad, and Catie.

I don't blame him, it's hard, and I understand that being with just me is a huge difference than being with his father and his sister, and me.

But, this is how things are now. I couldn't be that mother that stayed in the marriage just for the kids. I couldn't.

A loud crash brings me back into reality, I take my purse off and toss my sunglasses on the kitchen island.

"It was Dodger!" Nathan meets you halfway in the hallway, the patriots logo plastered on the font of the hat on his head.

My face is a look of horror at seeing my favorite vase, one that Chris gave me along with some flowers after our wedding anniversary...4 something years ago.

I take this as a sign, that I need to keep letting go like my therapist is telling me todo.

"It's fine, bubs," I take a deep breath, my bottom lil quivering.

Why would I keep a vase my ex husband gave me anyway?

I go and fetch the broom and instruct Nathan to stay away from the shattered glass.

Nathan feels anxious, raising his hat to scratch his head - at seeing the tears roll down my face, crying while I clean up the mess.

I really liked that vase...

~ Chris ~

"Kit Kat?" I knock gently using a crooked index finger.

No response, but I do hear a sign of life. So I slowly open the door.

My baby girl was still in bed, although it was mid afternoon.

I sit on the edge of it, sighing softly. Her new room was still a bit empty, I was trying my hardest to get all her stuff from the old house to make this new house feel a bit more homey-er.

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