Paparazzi • Chris Evans

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Architect!Chris x Actress!Reader

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Architect!Chris x Actress!Reader


You feel butterflies swarm deep in your belly, as the car approaches a place you've grown to know very well.

Your chauffeur turns a corner, a familiar one, picking up your hand you push the window button and watch as it smoothly slides down.

The New York City air fills your nostrils, the burning smoke from the food carts on every street corner, the gas from the cars, the bitter February wind hitting your face.

It's a nice breeze though, swooping into your hair and relaxing you. It's been a hell of a week filming for your new movie.

Long days of camera blocking, script reading and editing, and emotionally draining scenes.

You're so ready for this long needed break. Since the directors only gave the cast a few days of Christmas break to be with their families...

They have enough to edit and go through for you and the rest of the cast to get two weeks off.

Thank god.

You needed these two weeks, with the media reporting and publishing articles non stop about you. You need to let loose, and turn off your phone so that no one could contact you.

Not your publicist, your agent, or your mom who's been on your ass too—especially for coming up with an excuse to not visit her first thing during this break.

You are going to see her, tonight, once you spend a few hours here in the city with someone else.

Although you'd pay to spend the night with him. She lives in Connecticut with your dad, your life growing up was good. You had everything you could ever want and more thanks to your dad being a successful director.

A lot of people think your Dad's status opened a lot of doors for you in Hollywood, and although that is partially true, but you had to work hard to get roles you've really wanted.

You're not the only actress in the world, and just like any other role call, you have to give it your all.

"We're approaching, Miss Y/n," your chauffeur, Eddie, tells you, pulling up right in front of the hotel. The plaza hotel is your favorite, it gives off those old fashion vibes mixed in with a modern touch.

Your security guard hops out of the passenger seat and opens the door for you. You're not sure who leaked the information that you were going to be at the Plaza Hotel in New York for a couple of days, but here we are.

As soon as the door opens, you hear screams from fans, and camera lights flashing in your face, with a bunch of reporters and paparazzi calling your name to get you to look their way.

"Y/n over here!"

"Over here! Smile!"

"Y/n is it true you're starring in an all new rom com later this year?"

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