Not Fun List • Chris Evans

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husband!Chris x wife!reader


"I so excited, Daddy," Your baby girl says as Chris pulls up to the hiking trail parking.

Before you had her, Chris got you to love hiking and the outdoors like he did. So naturally he was excited to get his daughter to fall in love too.

"Me too, baby," Chris holds your thigh as he does for the majority of driving trips as he finds the right parking spot.

You turn to look at your baby, only 3 years old, but so excited for a hiking trip with her parents. In her little socks and sneakers and biker shorts and a captain america t-shirt.

Once out of the car, Chris grabs his backpack which had waters in it, and of course snacks for the baby, plus apple juice for her.

Your daughter started off well, holding Chris's hand as you all climbed up rocky hills and slippery downslopes. Walking through beautiful large trees, and even a small waterfall.

Dodger had to sit this one out because the poor thing recently got hip surgery, so Lisa was staying with him while you guys were out.

"Wow!" Your daughter points out a big tall tree you all spotted along the way.

"What's that, baby doll?" Chris bends down on his knees to be at your daughter's level, placing his warm hand on her tiny belly waiting for her reply.

"A treeee!" She exclaims happily. You cheer at her answer.

"Yes my love! Good job." You pet her head loving, her soft hair under.

Some more walking happens, and you take in the beauty of nature while holding your hubby's hand, your daughter on his shoulders as she would reach up to touch the leaves since her daddy was so tall she could reach the tips of them.

"Daddy, I want a 'nack," Your daughter leans her head on the top of Chris's head, pressing both of hand tiny hands two each side of his face.

Stopping at a safe spot, Chris digs out some animal crackers and some apple juice for your toddler.

But she had to eat it while being carried by her dad, because the sun was starting to set and the last thing he wanted was to be in the middle of a hiking trail during the night with you and his baby.

After her snack, your daughter walked alongside you as on the trail appeared more hills and downslopes, more holes, and fallen logs, a little and big bridges.

Your daughter lets out a yawn at one point, she stops and puts her hand up, wanting you to hold her, "I tired, mama."

You look at Chris he tries not to laugh, he knew she would crash at one point, but honestly he wanted her to last a little longer.

The rest of the hike lasts another 25 minutes, and then another 20 minutes to get to the car. By the time that passed, your daughter was tired and exhausted, wanting to go home because she wasn't her usual talking self. She was quiet and yawned a lot as you held her.

"What was your favorite part of the hike, baby?" Chris tickles under your daughter's little chin, making her giggle for a second before she thinks of her answer.

"I like...going to the car."

This time you and Chris burst out laughing, Chris though for sure she'd love this! Being outside, in nature, with her parents. Getting all that high toddler energy out.

"What!" Chris says between laughs, he can't believe it.

You shrug, and kiss her cheek, "at least she's honest."

"Did you have fun though, sweetie?" You add, seeing the car in the way distance.

She shakes her head, "this is on my not fun list."

Her fun list consisted of taking a nap with daddy, going to the park with daddy, cooking with mommy, and playing with Dodgey.

Yeah, the trees were pretty cool, so was the waterfall...that was about it. It was hot, she's hungry, tired and her little legs can only take so much...

a/n: a cute fluffy imagine I came up with, I hope you guys enjoyed ❤️‍🩹 I know Chris is a nature/outdoor lover. I'm more of an indoor girly hahaha, so I feel like my kid would react this way. I am grateful for the support, comments and feedback always look forward to it

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