I Knew You Were Trouble • Lloyd Hansen

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The time has come my lovelies....

I present you my first ever Lloyd Hansen one shot 🖤

One I worked on, which then got deleted, so then I started from scratch and here is the final result.

Warnings: brief mentions of physical abuse, lots of violence (guns, foul language) + SMUT (why? Because, yes.)

Special Guest: Nick Fowler 😍


"So we have a deal?" Whizzie smokes his cigar.

Lloyd watches with anger as the lingering smoke smell penetrates onto his clothes.

"Do I say you could smoke? Put that shit out. My girl hates the smell of cigar smoke." He yanks the cigar out of his mouth and smears it on the ground with the bottom of his foot.

"It's nice to see you're still her little bitch," Whizzie smiles sarcastically at Lloyd, and Lloyd doesn't show any fear and smiles right back.

"Get this fucker out of here before I shove my gun down his mouth," He orders his men while keeping a death glare on Whiz.

"You're going to regret not teaming up with me, Hansen," The older man stands, not having to be escorted by Lloyd's men.

Whizzie leaves the old mansion, and Lloyd feels no regret not having made a deal with Whiz, he plays dirty, but Lloyd play dirtier.

"What was I doing before he showed up?" Lloyd turns to ask his right hand man, Nick Fowler.

Nick points to the door that leads downstairs, and he remembers that the guy who didn't pay back on the deadline is still down there.

Walking down the steps, soft gasps growing louder and louder. Approaching the dark room, Lloyd's men surround the poor man tied to the chair.

"Where were we?" Lloyd bends down close to the man's ear and smirks.

"I promise I will pay you back every cent, Lloyd, just let me go," The man pleads, shaking with fear.

Static comes in through Lloyd's earpiece, then it clears out, "sparrow has landed safely and quietly boss, she's entering the house now." One of his outside men communicate.

Lloyd smiles big at hearing the news, causing a shiver go through the poor man in the chair.

"Lock him up," Lloyd says loud and clearly, making his men scurry to complete their duties, "I'll be back to finish what we started."

Lloyd emerges from the torture room, and heads upstairs the same time one of your body guards opens one of the doors to your boyfriend's beautiful mansion.

You squeal when you see him, and rush over as fast as you could in heels, your hands filled with shopping bags from countless of stores.

Lloyd gave you his card and told you to treat yourself, in which you did.

"There's my sunshine," He says cradling your face, and kissing you, his mustache tickles your upper lip, but that's just what makes the kiss more erotic.

You frown as Lloyd pulls away and makes his angry face, when he sees you struggling with the multiple bags in your hands.

"The fuck do I pay you idiots for?" He yells at his men, "I know you guys are heartless pigs but to my girl, you're gentlemen."

You don't like when he raises his voice, especially to his men, Lloyd is always so angry. But you know how to calm him down.

The men hurry to gently remove all the weight from the bags, taking each shopping bag from your hands, "if you could place them in our room, boys, thank you."

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