Back to You • Cole Turner

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boyfriend! Cole x girlfriend! Reader


~ Y/N ~

"Don't do this to us, baby, please," Cole is begging you to stop from packing, from leaving.

I don't say anything but continue to pack everything into my carry on, tears streaming down my face.

"Babe! Are you even listening to me?" His voice is strong and aimed right at you as he grabs your forearm.

"Cole, please please don't make this harder than it has to be. Remember what I said?"

He shakes his head no, I sigh, feeling like my heart is going to burst out my chest at leaving this sweetheart of a man.

"I don't want you to wait on me. I'm going to head out to the city and see what it's like there. I don't want you to wait for me to call and say 'I like it, I'm going to stay,' or 'I'm coming home. Wait for me,' that's not for to you Cole!" I shake my head.

"How is that your decision to make, honey?!" He matches my level of voice, "it's mine! And I say I'll wait for you to the end of time." Cole comes closer and holds my face.

Getting caught in the moment, I let him kiss me, softly and slowly, like he was trying to get me to see what I'd be missing out on.

The country side was just getting to be too domestic and small for me, I know there's bigger things out there for me. I just need to step out my shell.

And I had every intention on bringing my sweet boyfriend with me. I can't be without him.

What Cole and I have is beautiful, addicting and amazing, like a new flower blossoming forever.

Only it's not forever.

Cole's father falling ill and leaving Cole to do all the work on the farm was not in my plan.

I wanted him with me. But his father is more important, I can't do anything about that.

"It's not fair to you," I repeat to him, "are you not understanding?"

"Then don't go, Y/n!" He shouts at you and Cole has never ever raised his voice at you since you began seeing each other.

"Stay here with me, we'll live at the farm together." He proposes, taking my hands in his, "all you have to do is take care of the house with Mom, I'll take care of the farm. We'll be together, which is the most important part."

~ COLE ~

She didn't say a word to my proposal, the solution to our problems — she didn't say anything but zip her suitcase up.

Yes I feel guilty and bad for guilt tripping her to stay, and I feel selfish for making her stay for me, for us!

But I don't care, I don't care. This girl is the love of my life, she's beautiful, sweet, my parents love her more than they love me and I constantly feel like I'm on cloud 9 whenever I'm with her.

I have a ring hidden in my sock drawer for a reason. Because I know Y/n is the real deal, she's my person, my other half.

Bit right now my other half was leaving me. Without so much as a bat of an eyelash, she has her mind set on going to the city.

For what you may ask? Simply for the experience, to explore. I was willing to go with her, but my pops isn't at his best right now and my mom would have a heart attack if I were to leave them.

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