The Food Gremlin • Curtis Everett

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husband!Curtis x wife!Reader


It's late at night in the Everett home, the stars are out twinkling, the crickets cricking, and the moon high up and bright in the sky.

You sleep comfortably beside your husband, who's a bit of a snorer, yet you still love him and you've learned to sleep with him regardless of the snoring.

The soft moonlight enters your master bedroom, because Curtis forgot to close the blinds before hopping into bed with you last night.

You were so exhausted after yesterday, you and Curtis managed to get so much done in such little time, kind of like how Sundays always go now.

Grocery shopping, some outdoor time, taking your daughter to get new ballet shoes for her recital, picking Curtis's renewed passport, being at your mother in law's in time for Sunday dinner, and then getting your jumpy toddler to sleep on time.

You were wiped out. So much so that you didn't hear faint little steps approaching your bedroom door, you always keep it ajar just in case a little intruder who lived across the hall decided to sneak in to sleep with Mommy & Daddy.

Your 4 year old wraps her tiny hand around the knob, carefully opening it, her eyes still adjusted to the darkness, she sees her Daddy first on the bed due to her height, he's making those sounds again.

She remembers that you, Mama, called it "snoring." Daddy snores when he sleeps.

She sees your hand with your big sparkly ring on it on Daddy's chest, you must've forgotten to take it off last night.

Clutching Miss Bunny in her arms, she carefully makes her way closer to her dada, the gremlin in her tummy growling for food. The sole reason for her being awake at this hour of the night.

"Daddy," she taps his arm, which was so much bigger and thicker than hers. Which was used to throw her up in the air and catch her safely.

Since becoming a father, Curtis is always on high alert. Making sure his girls are safe, like walking on the furthest side of the sidewalk - away from traffic, making sure they were always in good hands, making sure their needs were met, sleeping on the side closest to the door.

Curtis opens his eyes, and adjusts to the darkness of his bedroom, except for the moonlight sneaking in, which he's grateful for because it allows him to sneak a peek at the little intruder.

"Baby...what's wrong? Y'okay?" He whispers, reaching to cradle his baby girl's face. Then he hears some rumbling.

"I hungry, Dada," His daughter confesses, holding Miss Bunny her favorite stuffed animal and in her unicorn pajamas.

He chuckles, and then looks over at you to see if you were still asleep which you were. So carefully he moves your hand from his chest and starts moving off the bed, the same time making sure you had the blanket covering your entire body.

"Mama!" The little toddler points to you, finally she can see you clearly, not with Daddy covering you.

"Mama is sleeping," he gently shushes her, picking her up in his arms, he walks over to close the blinds he forgot to do last night.

Then the two were off to the kitchen, your daughter's stomach rumbles again, with hunger, Curtis tickles her little belly, "looks like you have a food gremlin in there."

Your daughter was actually the one to come up with the "hunger monster's" name. Every time her belly growled with hunger, she gave it a name. A little gremlin that lived inside her and demanded food. No matter the hour.

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