Ride • Steve Rogers

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Boyfriend!Steve x Girlfriend!reader


The room is dark, you don't even know what time it is. You don't care what time it is. As long as you get to listen to your boyfriend moans.

It was raining hard on the other side of Steve's bedroom, the curtains were wide open, allowing the moon to shine in. The light wasn't even on because you and Steve haven't bothered to stand and flick it on.

Your legs are cramping up, so are your toes from how hard you've been curling them, but you won't stop. You're determined to keep going.

Touching Steve's skin, which was burning up, just like yours was, shifting your hips deep and down against his makes him groan. He's so fucked out, but you won't stop. Never.

"Honey," he pants, and you fix his hair, maintaining eye contact with him as you rode him. So effortlessly and beautifully, your pussy was just begging for more. More from your thick, girthy boyfriend that made her so happy.

"Don't you want to...ugh!" He bites his bottom lip as you quicken the pace, the warm, blooming feeling being born in the pit of your stomach once again.

"...take a break?" Steve places his hands on your hips, guiding your movements. Your perfect ass brushing against his thighs with every grind.

His hands say one thing and his mouth another, "I already told you, baby," you whisper, leaning to kiss his cheek, and then the corner of his lips, teasing him, without directly putting your mouth on his, "we're not stopping until we're both shaking."

Steve's warm hands land on your thighs, you take your arms and wrap them around his neck, "you're so big, Stevie," you whine because you know he likes that.

His feet push into the mattress below him, he's sweaty, and his body hasn't stopped buzzing since you first hauled him into his room at the Avengers Tower and haven't let him off this bed since then.

"You're so perfect, angel," he whispers on your glistening skin, listening to his wet you were for him. Truth is he could go three days straight, he wasn't even feeling an ounce of exhaustion. Thanks to his stamina. He was worried about you. But it seems like you could literally go all night too.

Your head goes back in pleasure, he's throbbing inside of you, your clit brushing upon his pelvis, your cream coating his dick as you loved up on him with your hands, nails scratching down his chest, making him grunt.

You feel his legs rise behind you, your body moves up to adjust to the new position, "ungh, Steve, I want to do it," you whisper, you want to make him feel good, "I told you to just lay there and look...oh!" A broken moan refrain you from speaking, "...handsome." You're breathless, he has that effect on you.

"Shh," he shushes you, dragging his lips up your throat making you really scream, as he sucked on the hallow part of your neck, cupping both of your breasts in his hands, passing the rough pad of his thumb against each of your pebbled nipples.

Steve thrusts up into you, lifting his up into the mattress, he holds you down just as much, making your body really tremble, your thighs clamp to each side of his hips, god it feels so good.

The sounds falling from your lips he wishes he could record to keep forever, you were goddess like. Your body perfect, he adored and has kissed every inch of you. And would always do it forever and ever.

Steve sits up straighter to be able to catch your lips in a fiery kiss, he licks your bottom lip, pleasing for entrance, and when he grabs a handful of your ass, it makes you groan from his good his big, rough, manly hand feels.

Your mouth opens and he takes it the advantage and runs, exploring your mouth with his tongue, and you give it a little suck, skin to skin slapping sounds echoing once again in his bedroom.

You guys have probably gone about 11 times already. Yes. 11 times.

You're a horny, wet mess for Steve and he's absolutely feral for you. So, win win.

He pulls away, to take a greedy breath, licking his lips as he sees the darkness clouding your eyes, matching his too, "are you coming, baby?"

Steve knows you're a sucker for his dirty talk. That mouth of his, oh god. Now you were definitely about to come.

"Yes!" You scream, letting the euphoric feeling consume every zone, every part of your body. Engulfing you in this fire that only Steve could help you chase.

"That's a good girl," Steve moves you to lay on your back, quite roughly too, you don't mind either.

Your back and your hips could finally rest after hours of overworking the , as they're met with the plush mattress. Steve continues to thrust into, you're so overstimulated, you're shaking, your legs violently moving in the air as Steve pushed them back to be able to glance at where he was entering you.

"Fuck, baby, this pussy," he rasps in your, his voice laced with deep huskiness that has you coming...again.

"Oh, what a good girl," he tells you again in the whiskey smooth voice of his and you clamp onto him, clenching around him hard. So hard he was moaning, and making these wonderful sounds in your ear while he came, for the 12th time today.

He takes a breather, giving you a gentle kiss while he pulled out, making you wince. The soreness would be a tomorrow's problem, or technically today's probably because it was way past midnight.

"Let's go again in the shower, Stevie," You whisper and kiss his lips a few times, and rub your hands over his god sculpted muscles, "I'm not done with you."

Your actions distracted him while you sat up and crawled off the bed, his essence leaking down the inside of your thighs.

He doesn't even know what you said, but there you were naked, with his handprint on your ass cheek, and hickeys all over your chest, creating a chain down to the paradise between your legs, marks he's made and left there for only him to see and look back on.

His mouth waters, and suddenly he's bricked up again, you bite down on your nail, he looks so big from where you were standing, everything about Steve was big, as you look at him from over your shoulder, making sure to sway your hips as you disappeared into the bathroom.

Steve follows you, trying to catch you, while your light giggles bounced off the bathroom walls - neither of you were ready for the night to be over...

a/n: haven't done a short smutty one shot in a while! Here it is...hope you lovelies enjoyed ✨I certainly enjoyed writing it 😏 let me know which characters you want to see more of in this imagines book! Keep in mind I only write for CE's characters 💕

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