A Cupid Miracle • Chris Evans

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💕 animator!Chris x teacher, single mom!reader 💕


~ Y/n ~

I open up the containers of food that Chris had delivered for his super-bowl party, my mouth waters at the sight of nachos, mozzarella sticks, sliders, and the chips and dips — I made those, with lots of love too.

I place all the delicious food on the decorative tray, the guys already have beer in their hands so the beverage part is done.

Walking into the living room, I meet eyes with Chris and he smiles at me, I smile back as his friends engage in a friendly conversation about who's going to win tonight.

I take a seat beside my boyfriend, grabbing a slider while his friends dig in as well.

When I met Chris four years ago, I thought it'd be a quick fling. He works as an animator for Disney but lives here in Boston, close to his family.

When he came to the middle school, where I teach at, I never thought we'd move in together, and spend almost everyday together too.

He's my sunshine boy, he brings light to my dark days and I don't want to ever let him go.

We've been dating almost 4 years now, and everyday I wonder when he'll pop the question.

He's very traditional, and so am I, we're both romantic, a wedding is in our future...I just hope soon.

~ Chris ~

"I'm going to go take a leak," I announce to my friends, and they're all just laser focused on the game almost starting.

Y/n is speaking to Darla, my friend Manuel's wife. The only other woman here.

Walking up the stairs and heading down the hall way, I'm met with Y/n's son, Dean.

He just stares at me, a towel hanging around his nape, his hair soaking wet, and another towel wrapped around his waist.

Dean and I don't have the best relationship, even considering that he was the one who introduced me to his mom, in which I asked for her number because she was the most prettiest woman I've ever seen before.

And I'd be stupid if I left that classroom without her number.

He was 14 back then, now he's 18, and a little shit.

Sorry, I meant — reserved.

I make a step forward to finally head into the bathroom when a short brunette comes out, a towel around her whole body. Her hair dripping wet too.

"Be careful, Mr. Chris, the floor is wet." She warns me, smiling big.

I see Dean has talked to me about her because how else would she know my name?

"Uh, okay. Thanks," I answer, not meeting her eyes, because I'm just now registering what those two did in the bathroom.

In the shower if we're being specific.

She follows Dean into his room, and he shuts the door.

I don't know why he's been so distant with me, Y/n says it's just teenage hormones, and that he has his father's angry issues.

~ Y/n ~

"Do you think maybe he'll ask this Valentine's Day?" Darla looks at me with hope in her eyes, twirling the wine in her glass, it's half empty while mine is still full.

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