Steve Rogers Day! • Steve Rogers

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college all star!Steve x high school senior!Y/n


It's the summer before senior year starts, you just turned 17 and it's a year you've been waiting for since you watched High School Musical as a little girl.

Living in Florida you practically grew up near the water, loving the ocean and that calm tranquility it gave you, and the fun times it gave you too.

For the fourth every year since you could remember, everyone and their mothers head to the beach and some ride out on their boats. The 4th of July is always spent out on the beach, eating good food and drinking, spending time with your friends and family.

You have a close friend group since middle school, the same four guys and three girls. You guys are inseparable, from eating late at night at the local McDonald's, to surfing, to walking around town, and of course swimming together in the crystal blue waters of the sunshine state.

The problem with going to high school though is, your friend group naturally expanded. As you all met new kids at school. Now there were three more victims who were apart of your little click.

Macie from Math class, Garett met her and you all know damn well he has a crush on her, so maybe she doesn't really count as a newbie to the click, no wait she does, because she's super sweet and fun to be around.

Next, Rebecca from History class, invited to the click by Jason, one of your best friends. And along with Becca, comes a two packaged deal, her brother and his best friend Steve, both college boys, done with their first semester at the University of Florida.

While the boys in your click play football at your high school, Bucky and Steve play football at UF too, and with Steve's height and those biceps, he's an all star player.

The guy you've been crushing on ever since he started hanging out with you guys. But you won't ever tell him that. Why? Because half the school is all goo goo gaga over him too. And he doesn't even go there anymore.

You're sure he drives the college girls crazy too. He's also really cocky because he knows he's hot. You don't want to boost his ego even more.

"You look like you could use a refill," Steve approaches you, maybe you caught you staring. You were all on Jason's Dad's boat, and today was 4th of July, also known as Steve Rogers Day according to Steve.

"I'm good," you state, looking down at your empty red cup. You had a cute little bathing suit on, and a baseball cap you stole from your dad, plus a cover up wrapped at the corner of your hip.

"C'mon, doll, it's my birthday, everyone needs to be drinking," Steve uses that little pout to get whatever he wants. You're sure he uses it to get girls to practically bow to him.

He may be hot, and sexy, and smart, and cocky, but he still was a major playboy. And you didn't need to be with one of those again. It was the only thing keeping you from giving into the sexual tension between you both that has been lingering for months now.

You look at his handsome face, how could someone be so gifted in the appearance department? Like, there's wasn't one ugly thing about him. He had the perfect athletic body, the handsome face and the charm!

Unfair. You tilt your empty cup towards him, giving into that stupid little pout, he bites down on his bottom lip as he pours you another one. Steve was wearing his USA print swim trunks and no shirt. Every little muscle and ridge on his chest, shoulder and biceps you wanted to lick. But you couldn't. You won't.

Steve smirks at you checking him out, it's all you've done since he's met you a few months back. He's desperately been trying to get you to sleep with him, you're not that younger than him, just a little over a year, he's tried to make moves by touching your lower waist whenever he had to pass by you at parties.

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