Eggscellent! • Andy Barber, Steve Rogers

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Welcome to a brand new imagine, my lovelies! 🥰🤍✨ this time we are back with a very special part, also a bit Easter themed as it is mentioned here and there.

I introduce to you, high school seniors, Steve & Andy 🤤 not proofread sorry for any mistakes!

high school seniors! Andy & Steve x Reader


"Hey babe," Andy appears at your locker, a lot of classmates passing behind him to get to their next class.

"Hi Andy," your face heats up, only because he is so handsome and flirty. It makes you nervous. But he does a good job at making you laugh and easing you.

Taking something from his pocket, he places it on the palm of his hand, "Happy Easter."

Looking at the little wrapped chocolate egg in the center of his palm, you smile, "aw, thank you Andy."

It was the day before spring break, and you sure needed a break. It's been back to back quizzes and exams since February. Your brain is exhausted.

"Thank you for blessing my eyes with that smile," his lips flip in a cute smirk, that has you melting to the school floor.

You gulp, like you said before, he makes you nervous.

Certainly because he knows how to do things to your body, with just his words and that pretty boy smile.

Smiling even bigger at his comment, he touches his chest from over his Varsity Letter jacket, Andy was captain of the football team.

Extremely athletic and handsome, however what separated him from the rest of the jock population was that Andy was crazy smart.

Like gifted smart.

He excels in all his classes, and you're pretty sure he's in the top 5% of successful students here at North High School. And his brother is also up there with him.

"Oh my god, thank you again. You just keep blessing me." Andy speaks from the heart, he's been trying to get you to go out on a date with him since before winter break.

And here he was months later, still trying hard the day before spring break. He just can't seem to read you.

A lot of girls were after him, but he wants you. Only you. Something that shimmering smile and those sweet eyes do to him.

"You're too sweet," you hold your books against your chest, making sure to avoid dropping the chocolate egg from your grasp.

Andy clears his throat, he's just decided he's going to come out and say it, making sure you were looking at him before speaking, he licks his lips, "Hey. I was wondering—"

"—Happy Easter!" Steve appears with an adorable looking bunny, wrapped in gold tinfoil made out of chocolate and in a holder that was in the shape of a tractor.

Little tulips animated on the box too.

"Oh Steve, this is so cute!" You smile and take it from his hold. Steve smiles at you big, you love his gift! That's a win in his book.

Unlike Andy, you were actually very good friends with Steve. You sit beside him in Math and you guys are frequently paired up to do work together.

You're just thankful Steve has a smart brain for algebraic equations and formulas, since you struggle heavily in that department.

Andy clenches his jaw, at Steve. His eyes turning into a mean glare. How rude of him to interrupt Andy when he was this close to asking you out.

"Do you love it?" Steve digs his hands into the pockets of his pants, that sweet puppy dog look on his face that no girl can stand against, chewing a piece of gum in his mouth.

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