June 13th ❤️ • Chris Evans

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Happy Birthday to my comfort person, to the person who leads me to my safe haven every time I enter this app and my mind, I know you don't even know I exist, but I am thankful for you for pulling me out of my darkest days, for being the reason I smile, and the reason I write, today we celebrate your birthday! ❤️

* Multiple AUs *

💜 Back Together 💜

"Danny, you scored the winning goal tonight, who'd you want to dedicate it to?" The sports reporter motions the microphone to Chris's brother in law.

"Chris. Evans. He's a year older today. He's one of my best friends, he's a fighter since he's married to my sister," Danny takes a deep breath, being out of oxygen since he just got off the ice, "I adore him."

"Happy Birthday Bro, love you. This one's for you. The next one is for my niece and nephew, their birthday is soon, and they know how much I adore them too. "

"Uncle Danny just said he loved us on live television." Kit turns to face you, "what's going on? Is he dying?"

You chuckle softly, and shake your head, "your Uncle Danny loves you guys, despite him not saying it often, you know he loves you."

"He tells Dad he loves him. I've heard them say it on the phone." Nathan chimes in, in which you look at Chris. You have no explanation for that.

"It's my birthday, I have the right to not answer." Chris shrugs and sets his beer down.

This year Chris just wanted to hang with you guys, it's why you guys just got back from your trip not even an hour ago.

But now you must prepare for the twins 10th birthday, on Thursday.

"That's not a birthday right! That's a government right. They're not the same." Shaking her head at her father, Kit watches her brother carefully as he goes for a next move of the board game. He's tends to cheat.

"What do you know about the government?" Chris wonders, he probably shouldn't have asked his sassy daughter that.


"—uh, my mistake, I don't wanna hear it actually." Chris stops her before she can proceed, "let's finish the game."

He pulls you into his lap, while the twins take their turns, you pull Chris's face in close, "happy birthday, baby."

"I have the best birthday present right here," he whispers to you, kissing your hand.

"Remember when I gave you two? For your 32nd birthday?" You reminisce when the twins were born, just two days after Chris's birthday.

"Yup. I remember. I've been meaning to return them." Jokingly speaking, the twins groan at their dad, sometimes he says some mean things, but it's all apart of his playful nature.

"DAD!" They groan, really thinking you and Chris would return them. Of course not. Those are your babies. Yours, with the love of your life.

"I'm joking!" Chris is quick to yell back, the kids hopefully one day will understand his sarcasm.

Two knocks on the door make Kit and Nathan sprint to open it, it's Johnny and Aunt Ronnie.

And the pizza guy, whoa, everyone just arrived at the same time, Kit pushes her way through everyone to hand the money her father had on the table to the pizza guy.

Few minutes later, the twins carefully put each candle around the pizza, covering the entire perimeter. Chris's favorite wasn't the regular thin pizza no, his favorite is from a Boston pizzeria downtown where it's fluffy and thick crust and sauce is so good it will have you licking your fingers.

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