Little White Lies • Chris Evans

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White Lie: a harmless or trivial lie

actor!Chris Evans x actress!Reader

Warnings: smut & harmless lies

"Ladies and Gentleman, Chris Evans and Y/n Y/l/n!"

Jimmy announces and you and Chris head onto the floor, waving and smiling big at the audience cheering you both on.

It's been amazing promoting the new movie with Chris, and traveling from New York to LA, to London.

It's been great because Chris is an amazing guy. He's funny, and silly plus so down to earth and chill at the same time.

Your agents were thrilled to see that the movie needed a female role, considering Chris took the male lead.

The movie production was on standby until the directors found the one for their female lead.

You auditioned and sent in the tape, the next day Dexter, one of the directors, were calling nonstop until one of your agents picked up and answered him because he had good news.

They absolutely loved you for the part and next thing you knew you were doing a movie with Chris again!

He's such a nice guy, so sweet and dorky. Always had you laughing during filming, premieres and events.

The first time you met him, you were definitely excited, having heard such good things about him and his work.

You may have fangirled just a little and mentioned your favorite rom com was What's Your Number?

You'll never forget the kind look on his face, and the way you felt when he said, "no way! Cause mine is How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days."

That rom com with Matthew you did was your first big movie and your inauguration into the Hollywood world, from there you've starred in all kinds of series and movies, and done cameos and advertisements and you've been lucky enough to even create your own clothing line and makeup line which is loved by many.

Your fans are your babies, you make sure you interact with them either online or in person because without them, you have nothing.

Last year you were confirmed as one of Hollywood's top paying actresses, and you just can't help but feel all girl boss and bad bitch.

"So Ghosted, tell us all about it!" Jimmy smiles at the both of you and you look to Chris for his answer.

Waiting for the right moment to add something.

"So he goes on a trip to find this girl, who his family says has ghosted him, but he flies out anyway just for the trip to turn into this crazy, dangerous adventure to save the world."

The audience cheers, and you smile and nod, silently thanking them.

"And Y/n, you play Sadie in the movie correct?" Jimmy addresses, in which you nod and pull down the material of your dress.

"Yes, I do! And I love her. She's just so funny, the way she has to adapt to Cole coming into the middle of her mission."

From there Jimmy and you both spoke about how it was like to film the movie together, since you and Chris just got done filming The Gray Man too.

"What was it like spending almost of your time with Y/n?" Jimmy asks Chris, and you smile at what his answer is going to be.

"Amazing. Y/n is great, we've gotten to know each other a lot these past few...years really since we've two other projects together in addition to this one. She's a wonderful person, a fantastic actress, and she's helped me through some rough times."

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