You Blow Me Away • Johnny Storm

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fiancée! Johnny x fiancée! Reader

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fiancée! Johnny x fiancée! Reader


*Valentine's Day Edition*

"Don't fucking walk away from me!" Johnny follows you into your room, and you pull out the drawer you cleaned out to have room for his stuff, that was years ago.

You never really asked him to move in...he kind of just never left one day. Angry hands scoop up all his clothes, and you toss them into a shopping bag.

You don't respond, nor do you look at him. You're really fucking pissed, and you just need your space...away from him.

"The silent treatment really?" Johnny scoffs, placing his hands on his hips, not caring that you were currently packing all his shit up.

You were bluffing.

You love him too much to kick him out...right?

Marching out into your apartment, you march towards the key hook where you and Johnny place your car keys, swiping his off the hook. You do your best to unwind your apartment key from the keyring without breaking a nail.

Following you, and hot on your heels, Johnny realizes this was serious, you weren't bluffing and this wasn't just another argument. Which you both have been doing for the past few weeks.

"Just go, Johnny! Your mom hates me, your sister hates me...just go."

Maybe you didn't have the best relationship with your mother in law and your sister in law, only because when Johnny met were engaged to another man and because Johnny was so convincing and made a mistake and cheated on your then fiancée with him.

So now they think you're going to do the same to Johnny, especially after he proposed a few days after the New Year, of course you said yes.

But now everything that you and Johnny built over the past 4 years was crumbling down.

"They don't hate you," he repeats, "baby, let's talk this out. Talk to me!"

Shaking your head, you disagree, "that's impossible to do with you, Jonathan! I literally just told you I want to have a big wedding. And you're here telling me that you want a small wedding just in case we divorce and your money doesn't go to waste? Who the fuck says that?!"

It hurt you, it really did when he said that. Just 10 minutes ago. It made you feel like he too was thinking you'd go out and cheat on him, that history would repeat itself.

But he's wrong. You couldn't love anyone else more than you love Johnny, and his ADHD, energetic, golden retriever energy. He keeps you on your toes, never have you met another man that is so adventurous, so outgoing, so caring...and sweet.

Or a man who could make you laugh as hard as he does.

"I-I don't want anything!" You burst into tears, you're not a mean person, or a bad person at that. You made a mistake.

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