College AU Sneak Peek (Future Series)

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sneak peek to my college AU series starring Chris's characters!


Screwed. In each and every way. You're so not playing the finals against the girls from Harvard. Coach Avery is going to have a stroke, and after she's recovered she's going to kill you, for multiple reasons.

One, for not studying for your algebra finals. Two, for procrastinating studying for your algebra finals until last night. Three, for going out every night when you should've been in your dorm studying.

Four, for not attending those stupid study groups she made you sign up for to avoid a possible situation like failing your exam. Which would ultimately plummet your GPA so low to the point you wouldn't see a soccer ball ever again.

You tap your pencil on the small desk to your right as your math professor sits at his desk way in front of the classroom. Professor Boyd has been a math professor at Boston University for almost 40 years. And supposedly is so good at his job he could get a child to do polynomials.

Looking around at your classmates, you envy the concentration on their faces as they scribble and erase answers. Towards your right a few rows down sat Andy and his hockey friends, Steve and Colin.

Maybe you should've asked Andy for help, instead you were out every night with your soccer team celebrating every win since the beginning of the season.

Andy's always been the one to help you out with homework ever since the 4th grade. Which was when you met the quiet, smart, brunette.

Now wasn't the time to dwell on what could've been, you needed to focus. You had a blank quiz in front of you along with an empty scantron. This couldn't be impossible. You paid some attention that one inequalities lesson, that has to count for something right?

Suddenly most of the class begins to shuffle in their bags, you see as Andy and the majority of your peers pull out calculators.

Yup...your calculator was at your dorm. You can unfortunately see it clearly sitting at the top of your desk.

Okay. Now you were back to definitely being screwed again.

Walking out of the lecture room after the most slow and worst hour and a half of your life, you're met with Andy, Steve and Colin.

Andy usually waits for you after class, Steve and Colin are just there speaking about whatever game or party they were at recently.

"Dude, I was in heaven," Colin chuckles, "it was like Christmas for me all over again. One kissing me with that sweet tongue of hers and the other on her knees—"

"Hello, boys," you clearly interrupt Colin's sexual encounter, possibly one that happened just this past weekend at his birthday bash.

At least he's distracting you from the pain and suffering that exam you took will cause for you soon...

And, yes, was he pulled into his room by two of your sorority sisters? Sure. You watched it occur with your own eyes from the couch.

From what you've heard from the majority of the female study body, he's great in bed. But you've never been interested in confirming that.

"Are you bragging about your sexual experiences again, Colin?" Steve chimes in, a sad look in those blue eyes, "first of all that's so disrespectful to the two women you just used, and have I told you you're a dick?"

The hockey boys all live in the same dorm floor, a few yards across your sorority house, they're all different in their own ways, Steve is kind of like the dad of the group, he's also the captain so he has to keep them all in check.

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