That Should Be Me • Ari Levinson

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Ari returns from his two year long work assignment overseas to find out you had moved on...

exes! Ari x Reader

Getting off the plane on American soil, refreshed something deep inside Ari

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Getting off the plane on American soil, refreshed something deep inside Ari.

First thing he's going to do is get an All American burger — that's only one of the things he's missed.

Looking around at the chaos of the Ronald Reagan airport, Ari follows many other travels as they head towards the arrival terminal.

It's been a long fucking flight, and he wonders where in this beautiful place of Washington D.C. you were. Probably out with your friends, grabbing pizza or drinks.

He wonders what if...what if he called you. It's been so long since he's heard your angel voice. So long since he's gotten to look down at those precious eyes of yours, and be on the receiving end of that shimmering smile.

His favorite smile.

As he slides into the back of a cab, and addresses the drive on where to go, he slides his phone out of his pocket.

A shaky finger hovering over your contact name. The car pulls away from the terminals, it's late at night, at least 10pm.

But the airport seemed alive with traveling passengers, families and tourists weaving in and out through every corner of the building.

Biting on his inner cheek, he lets his finger tap the phone icon next to your name.

The line rings once...twice....five times before the truth smacks Ari right in his handsome face. You weren't answering.

He's not a big social media guy, but if there's one thing that kept him going was keeping tabs on you through your Instagram.

So, opening up the app Ari is relieved to see your profile icon appear first tapping on your icon...his worst nightmare becomes true.

The posts you were posting late out at night, at dinner, in the city, in the park where all with some guy!

Ari feels something slash into his stomach multiple times, it clenches and hard in the most unpleasant way possible to the point he feels sick.

Even though you unfollowed him on instagram, he didn't have the heart to unfollow you—so he could make sure you were okay, despite being thousands of miles away.

Which he doesn't know why because he's just torturing himself at this point. Without knowing Ari was keeping tabs on you...and your new boyfriend.

A part of him is even angry with you, if it were him in your shoes he would've waited for you no matter how long!

And here you are after he had to go away to Europe for a year and a half for work, with a new man to make you smile, to kiss and hold you, to make love to you in the back of his car.

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