My Daughter's Boyfriend • Chris Evans

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high school BF! Chris x high school GF! Reader

• Your Town's Grocery Store •

"Honey, there aren't any bananas, grab some," your mother motions the greenish bananas to your father, he walks over to pick some good ones out.

Your mom turns back around to pick the perfect tomatoes out, plucking one by one all to be put into a plastic bag.

Your dad grabs the blueberries and the strawberries on his way back to the cart, placing all the fruit into the grocery cart.

Your mom grabs the cilantro and parsley, essentials this week's dinner menus.

It's a Saturday night and your parents are working through their routine, they always go grocery shopping late evening to avoid running into anyone.

But of course, small town, you tend to see everyone...everywhere.

"There he is!" Your father's old boss from when he used to work at another company, reaches to shake your dad's hand.

"Hey! How are ya?" Your dad offers a friendly smile and a strong hand shake.

"Mrs.Y/l/n, you look great!" Your dad's old boss says, the black hair on his head with specks of gray.

"Thank you," your mom smiles back to, as your parents stand side by side behind the grocery cart.

Catching up begins, and what your dad has been working and doing for the past few years is mentioned.

"How are your girls? Your son?"

Your mom smiles at thinking of her kids, you were the baby of the family, the only one at home, yet you're barely even home, not since you met Chris.

"Good, good," Your dad responds, "my boy is up at college, comes home for Christmas, my second moved in with her friends on the other side of town, and the youngest is..." your dad looks at your mom, finding the right words to say, " always out. Teenagers," he raises his brows.

Your dad's old boss laughs, nodding, having two teens of his own, he knows what your dad means, "you're telling me, my son is always with his girlfriend, and my daughter always with her boyfriend despite them living at home."

Your mother nods, agreeing, "yes, that's how it is though, we have to let them be young and in love," your dad rolls his eyes at that, your mom continues speaking, "our daughter's boyfriend is a nice boy and we like him very much."

"We?" Your father raises a brow, still a bit weary about your relationship with your boyfriend. It's only because you're his little girl. His baby.

Your dad's old boss laughs again, a hearty laugh echoing through the produce section.

"Come on, man, you'll warm up to him, I warmed up to my daughter's boyfriend, he's a good kid and by the way your wife talks about your daughter's boyfriend, he seems to be a good kid too. Most of them are.

"I don't know, my daughter's boyfriend, something about that kid, my Y/n would love to go out with us, to the mall, the store, and now she's always with him! It's like he's mesmerized her." Your father explains, raising a worried hand.

Your mom nods again, giggling at the interaction, "Christopher is a cutie, and he's just missing his little girl," your mom points to your dad. Always thinking the worst.

• Chris's Car •

The Boston lights twinkled, the soft moonlight basking through Chris's car's open windows.

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