Wash N Wiggle • Chris Evans

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professional golf player! Chris x girlfriend!Reader


Chris lets you take Dodger to his grooming appointment...something that would never happen again...

something that would never happen again

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"No, don't go."

You whine into your boyfriend's chest.

You guys have been cuddling all morning. The warm, morning sun shining in through Chris's curtains in his room.

The spring weather in the air. Your favorite time of year.

Rubbing your bare legs together, before rubbing them against his bare legs. You keep Chris close to your body, not wanting him or the warmth he radiates to go just yet.

Chuckling, Chris kisses your forehead, "I have to, baby, I'm meeting the guys for the tournament. Unless you want to come with us? You'll be the only woman there though."

Shrugging, you don't care about that or do you care about feeling so clingy, you are obsessed with your boyfriend—like obsessed. You adore him. And it's that scary kind of love that can eat you alive if it were to ever be ripped away from you.

But it's safe to say Chris is also just as obsessed with you, if not more. He is the absolute sweetest, and you find yourself swooning for him on the daily.

Especially in bed—god he is so patient, so gentle, so loving.

Although sometimes he likes to get a bit rough with you, which drives you crazy as well. Just 15 minutes ago he was making you scream into your guys' bed sheets, clawing at them as he deep stroked into you, roaming his hands all over your body, an electric rush holding your body hostage.

Now you were just tired all over again, and it wasn't even 10am yet.

Picking your head up, you drag your finger down his chest, your own breasts covered by the white comforter, but Chris licks his lips as he can see the gorgeous swells of both of them, even can take a little peak of your left nipple sneaking out above the blanket.

"I don't know..." you sigh, and bat your lashes, "...will you buy me lunch?"

"Of course I will," Chris is quick to respond, his hand appearing from laying on his torso under the comforter to cup your face and stare at you lovingly, all he ever wants to do is spoil you, "and you can hand me my clubs too and take a ride on the cart with me."

Smiling big you love the day ahead of you, spending it with Chris no matter how boring you found golfing to be. The guys will give him a hard time for bringing you, but he just can't say no nor be apart from those sweet angel eyes of yours.

Before you can finally accept and say yes, Chris's phone rings on the nightstand, and you still hold his hand against your face and nuzzle into his touch as he uses his other hand to reach the device.

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