Picture Day • Andy Barber

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husband!Andy x wife!reader


You were called into work early, the same day your daughter, had her 1st grade pictures scheduled.

Which meant you weren't going to be there to help her get dressed or do her hair. That was all left to your husband. Who doesn't have a clue in that world what your daughter's hair brush even looks like.

Andy is always working late hours at the precinct, and you're normally the one to take care of Aspen, before school and after school. This week Andy was off from work. So lucky him, he was in charge of getting Penny ready.

You kiss Andy's cheek as you leave for work, leaving before the sun came up, and leaving him peacefully sleeping in bed before he needed to get up in less than two hours.

When the time finally did come, Andy woke up and swung his legs around to the side of the bed, yawning he does a big stretch and crosses his arms as he makes his way to his baby girl's room.

His feet dragging against the hardwood floors. Opening Penny's room up, she was already awake as well, yawning as she stretched, almost mimicking the way her daddy did every morning.

"Hey baby girl," Andy's voice comes out husky still laced with sleep.

"Hi Daddy," Penny replies, yawning again. She was tired. But she was excited for picture day. She almost couldn't sleep thinking about it.

You already laid the outfit both of you picked out last night on her dresser, including shoes. So Andy had nothing to worry about but feeding Penny and clipping her bangs back with a simple hair clip which you left in the bathroom, next to the hair brush.

Andy opens his arms for Penny to jump in them, she does, and wraps her little frame around her tall and buff Daddy. Andy was always at the gym or swimming when he wasn't at work, or at home.

And Penny was a very tiny little girl, and it didn't help that she was on the short side, so it made her look even smaller in Andy's arms.

Andy kisses Penny's cheek, and then her forehead, rubbing her back as she woke up completely and Andy led them both to the kitchen.


"I don't know about this outfit, Daddy," Penny crosses her arms as she stares at the clothes you and her decided on last night. She just wasn't feeling it this morning.

Andy is freaking out now, a red alarm going off in his head, you said getting Penny ready in the morning would be easier than anything he's ever done in his life - not.

"Let's pick something else out," Aspen opens her closet and her eyes glance over all her bottoms, tops, and dresses.

"Uh," Andy clears his throat, "okay baby, but we need to hurry it up, we still need to do your hair, pack your lunch..."

"Help me pick something out then, Andrew!" Penny randomly outbursts, her father's anxious voice making her anxious herself.

"What did we talk about you calling me that?" Andy crosses his arms, a thoughtful look on his face as he waited for Penny to respond to him.

She picked that habit up after you had called Andy by his name one time he drove like a mad man on the road, due to a crazy driver. You got scared and kind of freaked out on him, essentially calling him by his full name.

Little Penny of course was in the backseat, her ears absorbing everything.

"Sorry, Daddy," Penny kisses her Dad's cheek, apologizing, "please help me pick an outfit out?"

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