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childhood friends! Chris & Y/n

Summary: You're checking off one of your resolutions before the year even begins, little do you know Chris has been dying to finally be that guy for you.


* New Year's Eve Edition *

Tapping your pen against your notebook, Taylor Swift plays in the background

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Tapping your pen against your notebook, Taylor Swift plays in the background.

The chilly December weather, fogging up the edges of your bedroom window.

The fairy lights hung above your bed create a calm, and warm vibe. It's currently the end of December, also known as New Years Eve.

New Year Resolutions, jotted at the top of your journal entry, you were forcing yourself to at least do three. And stick to them, because you can never find yourself in actually taking the time to write them down and actually fulfill them.

Your teachers at school go on and on about how good it is to have goals, to set realistic ones and achieve them.

"Sweetie," your mom bursts into your room, holding a laundry basket, she's been deep cleaning the entire house to welcome clean vibes into the new year.

And she was now washing your last batch of clothes for this year, "Mom! Please I've told you to knock."

"I know," she makes a guilty face, "I'm sorry, babe. I'm just rushing around before Lisa and the kids come. Your brother won't get off that game, and your father from the couch! I hope next year is different."

Like a sonic toy, your mom picks up any dirty laundry of yours in sight and dumps it into her basket, then in a flash she's out the door again.

Picking out your outfit to sit in the living room most of the night, you decide on some boyfriend jeans, a top, and a light cardigan.

While you clasped some cute earrings on, Chris was opening the door to your room, "hey," he smiles, refraining from opening the door completely. Placing his face in the small opening between your door and the hallway.

"I could've been naked, Evans," shaking your head you reach for your favorite perfume, giving him a disappointing look from where you were standing.

"And to my disappointment you weren't."

Throwing your stuffed animal at him, you can't help but feel mushy inside - but Chris flirts like this with everyone.

He's a big flirt, and has all the girls at school going bonkers for him.

Busting opening the door - wide open - he closes it behind him and jumps on your bed. He's gotten comfortable in being in your room because your mom and Lisa were college besties and roommates...

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