Merry Christmas • Chris Evans BT*

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This is a Christmas one shot based on another one shot I've previously made, called:

Back Together • Chris Evans.

Also known as the BT* series

You can read this one by it self, but it might make more sense if you read the previous one. Still, it won't affect this one shot either way.

I love the twins Kit & Nate so I just had to whip something up with them 🥰

I hope you guys had a nice holiday, ily all! 🎄❤️

husband!Chris x wife!reader

~ Chris ~

"Please Dad," Nathan begs me again, in which I chuckle.

He's stubborn just like his Mama.

"Nate, I said it the first time," I sigh, "no."

"Please!" He begs louder, thinking that will make me cave.

"No." I say, yet again.





"Ugh! It's just one gift Dad." He puts his index finger up.

"Nate, your mom would kill me if she found out I let you open a gift early." I focus back onto the old Christmas movie I put on, that my kids didn't want to watch with me.

"It's not even early," he groans, picking up his phone and showing me the time, "it's 4:03pm, and it's Christmas Eve."

I tear my eyes away from the TV screen in our living room, and look into my son's eyes.

I'm caving, and quickly. I can't help it, Y/n says I spoil them too much, and I made the mistake of putting some gifts my friends got the kids under the tree.

And now Nate wants to open one.

Kit walks into the living room from being in the kitchen with her mom and snuggles beside me on the couch.

I thought I hear what sounded like, "watch this," coming from her, but I was too focused on the movie to process.


Oh crap.

I turn to look at Kit. And she's pouting and using those adorable puppy eyes on me.

Then she smiles, and i swear it's times like these where I realize that I have a miniature version of my wife as a daughter.

Y/n wouldn't hesitate to use those eyes on me and that convincing smirk to get whatever she wanted.

And me being a caring, and devoting boyfriend, I'd give her anything. I still would. I love that woman.

And I'm so glad she decided to take me back.

Yeah, maybe I was focused too much on picking up back to back projects and not thinking about my family, a family I wished for.

After our long over due family vacation a few weeks ago, I felt really connected with the kids, and I like I just glued our family back together.

The kids have fun, swimming in the pool, making sand castles on the beach, eating delicious food but most important they loved the fact that Y/n and I were there with them, all together.

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