The Chase • Colin Shea

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elementary music teacher!Colin Shea x elementary teacher!reader

~ Y/n ~

"Okay boys and girls," I announce as I walk through the desks of my students, "once you are done with your worksheet please hand it in, in our basket, then once you've done that please get ready to be dismissed."

I head back to my desk, and sit down as I watch the students who have finished hand it their work, then they go and grab their things from their cubbies.

I turn on Dory's Reef Cam, on Disney Plus, on my smart board to entertain the kids while the end of the day bell rung.

An announcement suddenly came over the loud speaker, it was the principal, Mrs.Johansson.

"All faculty please report to the library for a brief meeting."

Once everyone turned in their work, and everyone was sitting at their desk, they all watched the Reef Cam on the smart board, it's my favorite because they're all quiet and paying attention.

I sigh, knowing I have to stay a bit longer although I wanted to go home right after school, and just cuddle on my couch with my cat.

The bell rang, finally, and I escort my kids outside my classroom, "bye Third Grade," I smile and wave as each of them shout back, a bundle of voices speaking all at once, "Bye Ms.Y/l/n!"

I go back into my classroom and I gather all the items I need to take home in order to grade, putting them in my bag, I turn off the LED lights in my classroom and turn off my smart board.

I also check on Nemo, our class pet, swimming happily in his tank, I was feeding him when Ms.Day enters my room.

"Why!" She cries, not even looking at me, but standing at the door and fake crying.

"I just wanted to go home!" She pleads.

"Me too," I sigh, putting away the fish food, "but I'm sure it'll be quick," I gather my things, and turn the room lights off.

Ms.Day waits for me in the hall, carrying her own things, she also taught third grade in the classroom next to mine.

I lock my classroom up, and we head down to the library.

"I swear if she gathered us up for something that could've been sent in an email, I'm leaving." She groans.

We enter the library with our other fellow co-workers were. I spot Tom and Sebastian waving to us.

"I see the guys, c'mon," I squeeze Ms.Day's elbow and lead her to where the boys were sitting.

I pass by the table where the specials teachers sat, like the Art teacher, Gym teacher, Keyboarding teacher, and of course the Music teacher, I lock eyes with him and he winks at me, I roll my eyes at him and continue walking.

I sit down and he's still checking me out.

~ Colin ~

"You still haven't asked her out?" Mr.Mackie asks me, watching as Y/n walked by with Ms.Day.

"I'm workin' on it, Anthony," I say, still looking at Y/n as she left her sweet scent behind, sitting at a table with her teacher friends.

"I heard she just got out of her 4 year relationship," Lizzie, Ms.Olsen explains, the guys and I look at her, wondering where she got that info, "I heard her and Jessica talking in the bathroom."

"Maybe that's why she won't give you the time of day." Mackie adds.

"Or maybe she just doesn't like you." Stark, the kids' technology/keyboarding teacher speaks, "and maybe she just likes to leave you after having the best sec of your life and act like it never happened." He says quietly and stares off into space.

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