Over the Moon • Andy Barber

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Would you maybe take of request of Andy barber being a good DILF, still has Jacob but has recently married a lady from his town Y/n and they find out they are expecting, y/n gets really happy and then When y/n is 5months old, Jacob and Andy throw a surprise baby shower and Andy gets a little sexual 😉

I hope I completed your vision, honey! 💕 Thanks for reaching out with this amazing idea 💡

DILF!Andy x Wife!Reader

~ Y/n ~

"Y/n, are you okay?" Jacob asks me from the other side of the diner's bathroom.

I wanted to take him out to lunch, but I've been so sick lately that I can't bare the smell of food.

And here I am, in a place where food is being creating and eaten.

"I'm fine, Jake," I wipe my face with some moist towelettes I have in my bag and rinse my mouth.

"The waiter was getting worried," he says when I open the door to the ladies restroom. Thank god it's only one stall.

I didn't want to throw up with anyone else in the room.

"I was just touching up my hair cause I thought he was cute," I playfully say, and Jacob chuckles as we walk back to our table.

"I'm telling Dad you said that." Jacob threatens as he picks the menu up again.

"Your father will always be my number one," I look at the sparkly ring on my finger and remember the day I married Andy.

It wasn't too long ago, we just got back from our honeymoon where I think what I'm experiencing occurred.

It's been almost two months since we got back from our lovely honeymoon where Andy didn't even let me leave the bed, and now I'm sick and nauseous in the mornings.

I'm over the moon, because I just know I'm pregnant, even though I haven't taken a test. I can't do it at home because Andy will know something is up if I sneak in the bathroom for an unusual amount of time.

I know Andy will be over the moon too, he's always saying how he wants more kids, especially a baby girl one day.

"I'm glad you guys got married. You make him so happy." Jacob smiles at me, "and me too."

"That's so sweet, Jake. I'm happy too. So happy." I grin at him, not daring to pick the menu up because I will throw up at the mention of any kind of food.

The waiter comes and finally takes our orders, well Jake's order cause the only thing I ordered was a seltzer water with lemon.

"By the way," Jacob tells the waiter, "my mom thinks you're cute."

That's the first time he's ever referred to me as his mom. And it makes my heart melt.

"She's not half bad, kid," the waiter winks at me, and leaves.

Stupid pregnancy hormones, I'm crying because of what Jacob said, which made his face go from playful to serious in seconds.

"Did I say something wrong?" He's startled.

"No," I croak out, and I reach to grab his hand, "I, I just love you, Jake, as if you were my baby boy because you are!"

Blood wise, he's not. But these past years dating Andy and getting close with Jacob, he's become more than a stepson to me.

Jacob is confused as to why I'm so emotional, he just smiles. And dwells on the fact that I see him as a son.

~ Andy ~

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