Sweet like Ice Cream • Colin Shea

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college student!Colin Shea x college student!reader


Colin arrives in his dad's car to work, maybe he shouldn't have told his mom he planned on chilling in his room eating pizza and playing video games for the entire summer...

Because now he was walking across the street towards the local grill of his hometown. Maybe he should've stayed in his dorm back at school, and fished a lie over to his mom.

Who is he kidding, that woman would see right through him.

The local grille was attached to the local ice cream place, both owned by the same man, Bobby. Who was kind...when he wanted to be.

Actually Bobby was walking over from the ice cream to the grill, catching Colin's eye, "let's go, boy!" Bobby shouts when he recognizes Colin, "you're late!"

"Hello to you too, Uncle Bobby," Colin smiles as jogs faster towards the front door, entering he's met with four other idiots.

Who happen to be his best friends since the 3rd grade. Maybe this summer working here won't be so bad after all.

"SHEA!" They all gleefully announce Colin's name, Bobby has second thoughts about letting Colin work here. His mom is his sister...and Colin just happens to be his nephew.

What's that saying? Don't mix family with business? Yeah. 

Colin hugs all of them and they all group hug at one point, jumping up and down, the cooks just watching and laughing at them.


"Hi, what can I get for you guys today?" You smile at the adorable family of three next up in line for some ice cream.

The little girl in her dad's arms speak first, "I want Oreo, please!"

The parents say their orders to you, and you get that done for them quickly. It's going to be a very hot day today, despite it being already a bit after 12pm.

You're thankful you're under here in the ice cream shop, under these ACs and being around ice cream was both a blessing and a curse because you wanted to eat it all.

You're not sure how the boys are doing next door, with all the frying, cooking, you bet it makes it even more warmer than outside.

You've worked for Bobby since you were just a sophomore in high school, and since this summer you didn't have any plans to go away, you figured you'd start to save up to get your little brother a new bike, after a group of bullies beat him up, and stole his.

"Here you guys are," you hand the family their order and accept the $20 bill the father hands you, handing him back his change, he smiles at you and places some cash into the tip jar but the rest of the cash into the clear plastic decorated bin you had with a bicycle on it.

You thank him, the bin was already halfway full, and your little brother was halfway there to getting a new bike.

The ice cream shop becomes empty after the family of three leaves, it's mostly busy at night, after everyone's had dinner.

Some commotion erupts from the other side of the wall, you and the other girls give each other looks, it's probably the boys. It's always them, they don't work, they have fun.

One time you went over for some milk, and they were literally hiding in the break room playing on the Wii in there.

Bobby comes in through the secret hallway, it was a hallway connecting the grill and the ice cream place so Bobby or any employee didn't have to walk outside.

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