Runnin' Late • Andy Barber

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husband! Andy x wife! Reader


"Bye sweetheart, I'll see you tonight for dinner."

Andy kisses your nose and then your lips, the doctor gave you strict orders to stay in bed after a false alarm of contractions.

Braxton Hicks were no joke, so you were just nesting and preparing yourself for what's to come, Andy since you've known him has always been an early bird, he literally gets ready three hours before he has to go to 9am.

Why he wakes up at 6am is beyond you, to be fair he does go and swim in the indoor pool for about an hour.

After you both got married, you knew he was your soulmate by how well he balances you out.

You hate waking up early, and Andy doesn't really like staying up late at night as you like to do.

But to comply with his favorite girl in the world, you, he'll do just about anything.

"Bye Ands," you whisper, still so sleepy despite it being 9am already.

The cars and trucks outside make such a ruckus on the other side of yours and Andy's home windows.

The morning traffic was in full effect and you could sleep easily for another two hours.

It's not like you slept good last night anyway, you kept worrying that you'd go into labor for real and it would all finally happen.

Being a first time mom isn't easy, but oh is it going to be so amazing.

"Bye baby boy, hopefully we'll see you soon." Andy kisses your belly that has just about grown as much as it could, Andy's son has certainly made himself comfortable in there.

Pouting and shaking your head, you immediately disagree with your husband, "No Andy! He can't come if you're not here. He has to come on the weekend...tell him."

It being Wednesday filled you anxiety and fear that Andy would be at work when your water broke, the doctor did send you home after the false alarm but she did mention that with your due date approaching rapidly the baby could come soon.

"He knows better to come when Dad's not here, right buddy?" Kissing your belly once more, Andy kisses you one last time, with his suit hanging off his arm.

He looks sexy as ever in those fancy lawyer outfits.

That dress shirt with the two buttons undone at the top send you into a spiral every time, and you're pretty sure it was something like that he was wearing the night he put this baby into you.

After you ripped all his clothes off of course.

"I'm runnin' late, baby, I'll see you for dinner. Want me to pick up the usual?"

Andy covers your body with the blanket, your feet and hands were cold but your body seemed to be on fire.

Just another lovely thanks to pregnancy.

Rubbing your head against the soft pillow, you're already feeling sleepy again when you nod at him, not having to confirm what the usual is because Andy knows it like the back of his hand.

A nice little Italian spot right downtown that had the best garlic bread, spaghetti and bolognese sauce you've ever had.

Andy's favorite of course is the chicken marsala with raviolis.

Before you could daydream of the delicious dinner you were about to get tonight, you force yourself to focus on going back to sleep before the baby takes advantage of your mouth watering and daydreaming about food and make you get up to get breakfast.

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