Two Left Feet • Chris Evans

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celebrity!Chris x dancer!reader


"How long do we have to stay?" You groan, annoyed with your agent because she made you come to this dumb after party.

When you much rather be at the hotel, alone.

Martina, your agent, smiles at all the important guests here, smiling while she answers you, "it's a party, Yn enjoy it."

You groan again, "you said I had to make an appearance. Well, I did. I'm going to bed."

Before you could get far enough, Martina reaches you, "this appearance is important to your dad, you promised him you'd come and support his friend. Be here on his behalf, because you know he couldn't come."

Your dad is a big musician, you grew up around music and dancing, which made it only natural for you to become a singer and a dancer too. Although you're still a bit timid to kick off your singing career.

Dancing is your strong suit, something you've been passionate about since you were 5 years old.

"Fine, I'll stay." You grump, and cross your arms like a child. You want to take this makeup off, take this gown off too, you just want to sleep.

"You're 33 years old, Yn, act like it."

"Dude, just go talk with her," Anthony Mackie nudges Chris's arm, he sips his drink as he watches you cross your arms, you're so sassy and he loves it.

"No," Chris shakes his head, "Mackie, I've asked her out ten times already. Guess how many times she's said no? Ten."

Mackie slouches over a bit, giggling at his friend and kind of making fun of him.

Here his good friend Chris Evans was, a successful man who's gotten it all, money, fame, success, everything but you. Yes, is he used to girls just agreeing to go out with him? To go home with him?

They never hesitated for a second.

You? Avoid him in any circumstance.

"Stop laughing," Chris's face twists in anger but then quickly smiles and greets people passing by him, "how are you? Hi."

"Hey, man, I never thought you'd be a quitter first of all," Mackie smooths down the front of his suit, "fifth times a charm? Maybe she's playing hard to get. Look at you!" Mackie motions his friend.

"You're a stud. And half of the girls in here haven't stopped giving you the eyes and I'm tired of it." Mackie finishes his drink, and puts his empty glass on a passing empty tray held by a server.

Chris also downs the remains of his drink and hands the empty glass to Mackie, "fifth times a charm."

He doesn't know why he's so infatuated with you, he usually goes for other types of girls, models, actresses, makeup artists, but you, you're special.

And he won't stop until you say yes to at least going out with him. He's done playing this little game with you.

Every other girl is obsessed with him, he knows it, and yeah he uses it to his advantage. You'll be obsessed too after he's through with you.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," you twist your face and hide behind your agent, trying not to be seen.

"What is it now?" Martina keeps smiling at all the guests, nodding and greeting them as some walk by.

"Chris, is he walking this way?"

"You mean Chris Evans, every girls's wet dream come true?" There's excitement in Martina's voice, a longing sound, "yes, he's so coming this way. What did you do?"

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