The Best Kind of Cake • Chris Evans

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Here we are again celebrating another year to your life dear Chrissy. You pulled me out of an extremely dark time in my life and for that I will always be grateful to you, and this escape I've found. Happy, happy 43rd birthday to my forever comfort person ☺️💙✨

Here it is my lovelies, an imagine dedicated to Chris's bday! Please sit back, relax and enjoy. And have this be a way we all celebrate him together 🥰

Warnings: may be confusing at first, you'll get the hint as you keep reading. Smut, I had to we're celebrating! 🥳

childhood friends! Chris & Y/n


7:47 am

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7:47 am

The airport is busy, busy. People walk to each and every corner and gate. Others making lines to get through customs, Chris holds onto his suitcase with his favorite backpack on his back.

Of course with his phone in one hand, normally he heads out another exit to get into his prepaid car, but today was a very special day...

For some reason his uber texted to go to another terminal, so after hopping off his plane. Chris heads straight there, and enjoys the long walk to get there. Walking through the moving doors, Chris finds it strange that there was no one around.

Just a security guard and an airport employee walk past him, continuing to walk he makes it outside. Something felt off...his mom hasn't responded to his texts since last night, or Scott or anyone really.

Chris knows he's been away filming, but today was his birthday he expected some kind of message from his friends and family.

"What the hell?" Chris thinks, there's only one black SUV car and the outside street of this terminal is the equivalent to a ghost town.

Just as Chris approaches the black car, hoping he won't get kidnapped; Lisa, Scott, his sisters all the kids pop out holding all kinds of posters, and balloons.

Even though the surprise was supposed to be lighthearted it nearly scared Chris to death, he laughs the same time he falls down onto his knees, clutching his chest because whew was he truly surprised, "you guys!"

"SURPRISE UNCLE CHRIS!" Chris's nephews and niece all shout joyfully, jumping on their Uncle that they've missed so much. Taking his arms he avoids tearing up because he may seem all cool, and badass on the outside but he's just all mush inside.

As he tries to fight the tears of happiness, he thinks of you. If you were here you'd be on his ass for crying, but at the same time reminding him that it's okay for men to cry too.

He misses you is what he realizes as he holds his niece and nephews, and takes the time to read what is on the signs they had made him.

"HaPY bIrfDaY UNclE chris."

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