Finger Lickin' Good • Nick Vaughan

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Chef!Nick Vaughan x CEO!Reader


"No, I can't do Wednesday, I'm completely booked," you speak into the phone, while your chauffeur opens your door, "no, absolutely not I can't meet with the new candidate."

Your new assistant was just not it, she didn't understand what you wanted or how you ran things.

"You're kidding me? You already said I'd go?" Now you're just aggravated, you hold onto your designer bag, your heels clicking on the street as you entered the building you lived in.

After your parents retired, they left you the family business of Cesario's, the perfect Italian spot, currently only in the States, but you were thinking of expanding into the exterior.

Cesario's is a family-owned restaurant, however, in recent years, your father has allowed for people outside of the family to work. But they had to be trustworthy.

Currently you needed a chef for your new location in New York City, in the heart of it actually - Manhattan.

It hasn't opened yet, because you need a chef. It's the last check mark you need to check before opening the place up.

"I apologize Ms Y/n, but he wants you to go to his apartment, he said he's going to cook for you and then you can see if you like his cooking."

You tap on your phone case, holding your phone against your ear as the elevator took you up to your penthouse. This was still unacceptable- you weren't in charge of meeting the new chefs, your assistant was and she still didn't understand that.


You snap and the older man riding with you flinches, your eyes fall to him and you give him an apologetic smile raising your hand to display your regret.

"Text me the details."

You press the button to the new candidate's apartment floor, he lived on the lower west side, which wasn't horrible.

It was just inconvenient for you because you're all the way on the other side of this island now.

Once stepping on the designated floor a mother with three children, one of them crying pushes the stroller into the elevator you just got out of.

You give her a kind smile, mothers like her remind you of your own. Juggling you and your siblings while your father always worked.

Your parents always made sure you knew your roots despite the luxury the family restaurant business has given you.

Your heels click on the floor as you very elegantly make your way to the apartment number, a couple gets out of one apartment, in matching sweaters and sweatpants suddenly you feel overdressed.

The apartment door you were standing in front of, opens. And that's when you realize you had probably knocked but were too busy watching the couple.

Turning your head back to look at who you hope is going to be your head chef at the Manhattan location, taking in his absolutely amazing blue eyes, that beard perfectly shaved up, and his hair.

Oh god, now you were happy you came instead of your assistant, this guy was gorgeous. On the outside he was on absolute 10, but with some guys you've met, they can be a 10 but then they start speaking and immediately get reduced to a 4.

"Y/n Cesario?" He offers his hand and a very gentle smile.

The inside of this guy's apartment smelled like the restaurant on a busy Sunday, serving homemade food to families.

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