My Birthday Girl • Chris Evans

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Hi my lovelies! It's my birthday!💕🎂💕🎂💕

I thought what better way to honor it than writing a one shot and being able to celebrate with you guys💕

Also feel free to come back on your own birthday and re read this one shot in honor of your special day!💛

Warnings: smut, lots of fluff!!! Chris is boyfriend of the year...

boyfriend!Chris x girlfriend!reader

🎂 Y/n 🎂

The sun comes in through the windows of our room.

It's warm and welcoming on my face. I smile as I remember the night I had last night with my boyfriend in between my legs for what seemed like hours of giving me endless pleasure.

I rub my legs together and let the achy feeling consume me and take me back to the fantastic night yesterday.

I reach beside me to feel for him but I frown when I'm met with an empty bed space. Also, I'm becoming aware of a tickling sensation on my arms.

My eyes are still so heavy, but my body is so satisfied, I just wanna keep sleeping and for a second I think about the decision to when I hear Dodger coming through the door and hopping onto our bed to give me good morning kisses.

"Hi bubba," I croak out, my voice still laced with sleep but I'm becoming more awake as Dodger's excitement spreads to me.

I open my eyes and smile at how happy Dodgey looks, licking me all over.

When I looked beside his head is when I noticed that our room looks a bit different.

The tickling sensation on my arms?

It's from the multiple balloons hanging from our ceiling.

I sit up on the bed and I can't stop smiling, there's probably 10 bouquets of my favorite flowers all over.

Just when I can't think it could get any better...

Chris walks in with a tray of my favorite foods and even more flowers.

"Chrissy," I whisper because I'm on the verge of crying.

He comes beside my side of the bed, and kisses my temple a few times, "happy birthday, angel."

He sees me smiling big and knows he's done a good job at the sneaky birthday surprise he had planned.

🎈 Chris 🎈

I look at my girl happily eating her pancakes and fruit and I feel all mushy inside because I love this girl so much.

Five amazing, wonderful years together and I can't wait to be with her for many, many more.

Everyone is always asking me when I'm going to pop the question, my mom mostly, because she sees Y/n as a daughter now and the two are literally best friends.

Y/n talks to my mom more than me. They'll always be on the phone, catching up on the latest Bachelor episode, or chatting about Bath & Body Works sales.

But either way, I'm going to pop the question when it feels right. Y/n and I are great where we are now, I don't see the need to rush things and get married just because everyone expects me too.

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