Late Night Snackin' • Chris Evans

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parents! Chris & Y/n


"Bedtime soon, babies," you announce to your children and they all groan at you. You wonder why as a child they all hate bedtime, or even taking naps.

You'd love to take naps whenever you could, or head to bed early...but god forbid children go to bed at their regular time.

"Noooo!" Your 3 year old complains, she's quite the personality these days, rushing over to her father who was watching the football game on his phone.

Since the TV was currently being occupied by Bluey. "Yes sweetheart, you're tired. I can see it in your eyes."

Your 3 year old smooshes her face into her Dad's knee, mean mugging you from across the living room. Chris reaches to gently touch her hair, trying to soothe her.

"Why don't you go choose a book from the bin, baby girl, and Daddy will read you it." Chris puts his phone down and motions the book bin in a corner of the living room.

The back door slides open, and in walks in your 10 year old. He's been out all afternoon playing with his friends, and you thought you told him to be home before the sun set.

"I know...I know..." he grumps, "I'm late. I lost track of time."

Chris is more of the strict parent, whereas you're the more lenient one, "I thought I told you before the sunset. You know how nervous your mom gets."

"I get it, Dad!" Your son raises his voice and you're taken back. So is Chris.

"I'm sorry?" Chris moves his phone away, but as your three year old appears with a book in her hand, he still takes it.

Your son enters the house, and sighs, "I'm sorry. I'm just tired. Something pinched my tire and I had to push my bike the whole way here."

"I'll take a look at it tomorrow," Chris thumbs into the direction of the kitchen, "there's pizza rolls."

You huff at your husband, grabbing your 7th month old baby girl, and heading to the kitchen, "come here, honey. Do you want me to make you a sandwich?"

You walk out of your baby girl's room the same time Chris walks out of your 3 year old's room.

Tired looks on both your faces, music loudly playing from your son's room.

Chris plants his hands on your shoulders and leads you to your oldest son's room, where he was on a game with his friends, hence where the music was coming from.

"No, I'm down here!" he shouts, not being able to hear how loud he was because of the headphones he was wearing.

You pick up some clothes from the floor of your son's room, because apparently he can't place them into his laundry hamper like a normal person, while Chrissy walks over to look up at the screen.

Your son is so into the game, he doesn't even realize his father was standing right next to him.

Fixing and arranging some things in his room, Chris watches the little figure your son was moving with his game controller, running through some kind of forest with a backpack and an axe in their hands.

"Oh, it's right there!" Your son presses a button on the controller, capturing some kind of prize in a chest, and rushing it back to a safe place he begins to open it with another kind of axe, "YES!" A shiny thing appears, taking over the screen.

Hopping up from his spinny chair, your son grabs the person closest to him which was Chris, they jump up together in glee and you laugh at them, thank goodness your baby and your toddler are heavy sleepers.

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