Monsters •Jake Jensen

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husband! Jake Jensen x wife!reader

Welcome to the One Shot Book, JJ 😍


"And up again!" Jake and you pull up your son holding each of his hands, and bringing him and his little body up into the air. Lifting his feet off the sidewalk.

Your son falls into a series of constant giggles, enjoying this quality mommy and daddy time.

"Again, daddy!" Your son demands, squeezing Jake's hand, jumping up and down in joy waiting for you both to pull him up again.

You and Jake hold hands with your 4 year old son, engaging in a family walk back home to your house after being at the neighborhood park for almost four hours.

It was a beautiful summer evening, the sun was setting, the air was warm and the sky was cotton candy colors.

Meeting Jake was pure coincidence, your mom coached a girls soccer team, and one time she got sick, you stepped in for her during one of the seasons and sure enough Jake's niece was on the team.

He went to every game, every practice, and was very nervous to speak to you, until you broke the ice. You found him to be very adorable...and funny.

Jake is probably one of the few people who can truly make you laugh.

It's one of the reasons you fell so hard for him.

"Wash your hands, buddy, we're going to have dinner, you're going to take a bath, and then bedtime." Jake orders, hooking up his keys on the hook, while you began a quick dinner.

"No bedtime!" Your son talks back from the bathroom, then you hear the water run which tells you he opened the faucet.

"And then mommy is going to show daddy how much she loves him," you whisper, passing by Jake to grab the chicken nuggets from the fridge, not before messing with him a bit.

His eyes behind those glasses dilate, and his cheeks heat up, candy pink. You just smile, and thank god for your adorable husband.

"Baby, not in front of Walter," Jake motions his 13 year old cat, just staring at the both of you. His tail swaying swiftly around before settling on the kitchen hardwood floors,

Giggling, you lean closer to kiss Jake's soft lips, "he doesn't mind."

"He does." Jake has had him ever since he found Walter years ago during one of his missions, Jake used to have a dangerous job, working with other masterminds in going against dictators and evil people.

But once you got pregnant with his son, he decided it was time let the job and his friends go. Now he works as the lead IT director at a manufacturer place.

Clay and Pooch still come to visit here and then, and they talk on the phone sometimes. Especially if Clay needs "highly confidential" help with "highly confidential" stuff, as Jake likes to say.

"Walter feels uncomfortable when you look at me like that, and when you indicate inappropriate things, and refer to those inappropriate things you want to do to me tonight when we're alone in bed. So he feels you should—"

"—Jake, do you want to have s-e-x tonight or not?" You ask, sometimes you need to just add some breaks on Jake and his mouth.

He pushes his glasses up, chuckling because you spelt the word out, "of course I do, baby. What positions were we thinking? And that's even if your son lets us make love."

This was your husband, he was all yours, he wasn't the most romantic, but he makes you laugh, and you love him just as much as you loved your son.

Walter meows, and walks over to you, pawing at your shin. Now that offended him, "Jake," you warn.

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