Onederful • Chris Evans

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contractor! Chris x wife! Reader


"Don't cry, my love," Chris whispers in your ear, holding you in his arms as you both watched your little baby sleep in his crib.

Tomorrow he'd be one year old, and you weren't handling that well. You were upset that the time has gone by so unbelievably quickly.

It was just yesterday Chris was holding your hand and motivating you through birthing his first son, your first baby.

Now that baby was about to be 12 months old.

"He's fine," Chris motions to your sleeping son, who loved to sleep face down on the mattress.

You and Chris both double, and triple checked that the mattress was breathable and it was, but yet you still get a bit angry to see him sleep like that.

But it wasn't that what you were worried about, not tonight anyway, "no," you chuckle and use your hand to wipe your tears, "I know he's fine, it's just, baby he's going to be one tomorrow."

You turn slowly and pout up at Chris, and press your face into his chest to continue crying, he chuckles this time, cradling your head.

"Sweetheart, hey," he holds your face and tilts it up to be able to see your teary, strained eyes, "he's turning one yes, but look at the year we had with him. Nothing but beautiful, pure, sweet memories we will both cherish."

He's right.

You don't know why you're so emotional these days.

"And as soon as he starts walking we'll be working on giving him a sibling, like we agreed?" Chris talks to you like you're one of his business partners. You despise it.

You narrow your eyes at him, as if the creation of your second child was just a business deal to him, "I don't like when you talk like that. You said work stays at the office."

Chris kisses your lips quickly to apologize, he's been trying to be good with that, sometimes he gets so invested in his work that he forgets to leave it behind on his desk.

"I did, baby, I'm sorry," he uses those puppy eyes on you, the same ones your son had, Chris presses his hand to his chest very apologetically.

"And I said I'd think about it! I still want to enjoy our time being parents to this sweet boy." You reach and very gently caress your finger on your baby's head.

He was in his little sleep sack, and onesie, you missed him when he slept. You just wanted to play with him all day.

Currently he's been into giggling at absolutely anything his Daddy does, if Chris giggles he giggles, if Chris makes a face your baby giggles, if Chris claps your baby giggles.

"Fine," Chris sighs out, he's been feral to get you pregnant again, and since you haven't been on any kind of birth control, it's extremely easy for him to do so.

Chris is against the IUD thing because he says it's just wrong to kill his precious swimmers.

"What if Noah is two? Does that schedule work for you? We could also arrange smaller meetings when available to discuss the matter."

There he goes again, all Mr.Evans—ceo of flipping houses.

"Chris," you say disappointedly, you don't like whenever he talks like that. You want him to baby you, give you princess treatment which he knows how to do.

It's how he got you to fall in love with him in the first place.

Chris is laughing (quietly) up a storm at the look on your face, he finds joy in annoying you—who else is he gonna annoy?

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