Girls Day! • Ari Levinson

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mafia!Ari x wife!reader

this could be read by itself or it's actually a continuation of my previous one shot Cravings • Ari Levinson.

~ Y/n ~

I strolled through the department store with my baby girl sitting in the cart, looking at her surroundings with her wide eyes.

"You wanna look at clothes my love?" I brush my thumb against her cheek, she smiles big at me.

"Yah!" She cheers.

"You wanna look at toys?!" I match her level of excitement.

"Yah!" She cheers again, this time adding an applause.

"And what do we need?" I whisper, pushing the car at a slow speed so I don't crash into another shopper.

"Nah-thing!" Francesa says in her baby voice, and shakes her head, letting me know that we in fact did not need anything.

But I couldn't cease the opportunity of looking at decorative pillows for the living room at home or the adorable holiday outfits for baby girls.

This Christmas, I want to gift my husband a series of professional photos of our baby, Francesa, and why not come and get her holiday outfit a month early?

And why not get distracted and buy a shit ton of other stuff too?

"We can't tell Daddy, sweetie," I remind her sipping my Starbucks, "this is our secret girls day."

"Girls day!" She repeats, she was only 3 years old but she was still my little baby.

We weave in and out of aisles, looking at amazing home decor, clothes, accessories, jewelry, and Frankie's favorite part - the toys.

"Mama, Luca and Fonso!" Frankie smiles, pointing behind me.

I roll my eyes, before turning around.

Surely enough, Luca and Alfonso, my husband's men, our bodyguards, were standing there with ear pieces and all black suits.

I watched as the people beside us passed, with a confused stare on their faces.

"I said we'll be fine!" I whisper yell, "I can protect my daughter pretty much on my own."

"We're on strict orders from the boss, Mrs.Levinson, we need to follow both of you everywhere."

I groan and turn back to Frankie, "just pretend they aren't there, sweetie."

Sometime later, I take her out of the cart and let her walk around and stretch her legs a little bit as she revised the toys she could see on the shelves at her height level.

"Pick whichever one you want, baby," I assure her, rubbing my hand over her head, feeling her soft hair on my palm.

Luca and Alfonso were standing at the end of the aisle, watching us.

"I want...dis one!" Frankie squeals, grabbing a doctor play set including the stethoscope, thermometer, and much more medical stuff of course made for kids.

"Nice pick!" I crouch down so I can take a look at the play set.

I didn't realize Frankie's eyes had started to wander off and before I knew it she was picking up another toy.

"And dis one!" She holds up a doll, along with its corresponding accessories and things.

"Can I get it Mommy?" She asks, pouting her bottom lip.

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