Easter & Ever • Chris Evans

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Happy Easter to all those who celebrate! 🐰🌷✨

YOU are the reader so please relax, sit back and enjoy the beauties of the one shot world🌟🥰🤍

I've been on a roll with Chrissy imagines hehehe....

boyfriend! Chris x girlfriend! Reader

🐣 * Easter edition* 🐣

"Are you slacking on me, babe?" Chris jogs back down from where he was further up the hill a moment ago.

The spring weather is absolutely beautiful today, it is a sunny but cloudy day, the clouds helping you out by not blinding you with the sun completely.

At least it wasn't raining, Chris doesn't care if it's raining, cold, sun, cloudy, he loves to take a jog around the neighborhood to start his Saturday mornings.

And occasionally you like to join him too.

Heavy breathing, you inhale through your nose, exhaling through your mouth. Your hands on your hips.

"Not slacking," you're quick to answer your boyfriend, "you have longer legs than me."

"Excuses, excuses," Chris gives you a push up the hill to get you moving again, and despite the ache in your legs you start jogging at your own pace.

Chris slows down to jog beside you, smiling at how cute you looked out of breath and a bit sweaty.

All he has to do come Saturday mornings is give you that million dollar smile of his, and those sweet puppy eyes to get you to join him on his run.

Maybe he throws a few kisses in there too, and it helps him tremendously that he always cooks breakfast for you when you guys get back, with much, much love.

"Let's go, baby, we only got 1 mile left."

He explains, in reality it was more of a distance, you guys use the other half a mile it takes to get home to slow down your heart rates, to cool down and walk the rest of the way.

Chris speeds up his pace and because he motivates you in everything you do, and pushes you to be better.

It's what made you fall so hard for him 5 years ago, yup. It's been 5 years of nothing but love, laughs and passion.

Apart from being your boyfriend he is your best friend, Chris is sweet and kind, and oh so patient with you.

Meeting Chris at the grocery store when you were hung over wasn't in your plans, then dating him for 5 years wasn't in your plans either.

You just wish...he...well...that he'd ask the question.

The Question. With a capital Q.

The. Big. Question.

But you know he won't, because he's said time and time again that your love doesn't need a label. You guys are basically hitched already, living together for the last 3 years.

Despite you dreaming of that fairytale wedding...maybe it's not in the cards.

Finally walking back to the house, Chris carries you up on his back because your legs were on fire. You have no idea how he does this so easily, but then again he's always been very athletic.

You're ready for a nap and it isn't even noon yet, Chris and you notice the mail lady dumping your mail into your guys' mailbox, and you notice a purple envelope mixed in with the other white envelopes.

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