Mother's Day • Steve Rogers

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husband! Steve x wife!Reader

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husband! Steve x wife!Reader

*mother's day edition*


Steve opens his eyes and adjusts to the darkness in the room. By the way, the birds were chirping. He can tell it's early. He's an early bird anyway. The thick curtains you made him buy, work wonders for sleeping in.

Even though it was sunny out, it still looked pitch black in this room.

You like to say Stevie can't sleep in to save his life, if it's 6:30 am he's right there in the kitchen enjoying a cup of tea.

And you wouldn't take him any other way. No matter how late he slept the night before, because certainly you tend to keep him up doing sinful things. He always wakes up early the next morning.

Your Stevie is unique.

"Precious," you don't hear him whisper because you're out like a light. Your legs and your back are sore, even more sore than usual because Steve kept pulling orgasm after orgasm from you without mercy.

He called it a little "Mother's Day" celebration.

Fully intending on letting you sleep in this morning, Steve kisses your temple. And then your cheek, carefully unwrapping you from being entangled on him.

Your legs crossed with one another's and your hand on his chest. Cuddling him as if he were a pregnancy pillow. One of the things that attracted you to him in the first place was how tall and buff Stevie was and continues to be...

He's the perfect amount of buff and the perfect amount of handsome to have you melting before him.

Carefully moving out of your messy bed, Steve tiptoes to the bedroom door. Quickly glancing over you once more to make sure you were back to sleeping profoundly.

You are so beautiful! He gets more and more obsessed with you as the days pass, and god does he pat himself on the back for proposing to you and wife'ing you up quickly.

Wrapping his hand around the knob, Steve is surprised to see his 5 year old standing there, giggling behind her hand.

Making a "fake" angry face, it makes little Sophia giggle even more because she knows her Daddy could never ever be mad at her.

Taking her hand and leading her down the quiet hallway, Steve reaches the end of the staircase, where he scoops up little Soph and kisses her cheek.

"What are you doing up, little miss?" Another kiss to her cheek and she was suppressing her laughs.

"Daddy, no! That tickles." The sassy five year old pats her dad's face, feeling the prickliness.

Steve realizes it's probably shave day for him, "yeah, Daddy needs to shave, mommy doesn't like it either."

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