October 25, 2022

115 3 7

Damn all my friends are fake. They don't even listen to me while I try to explain and I have to do their work for them. I feel like it would be better to explain the full story but it would be too long. (That's what she said ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) ) Anyways how was your day? Good, bad, please tell me in the comments because I want to talk with y'all. I need more friends :<
Edit at 5:10 pm:
Dude why would someone just text me about their girlfriend while I'm their friend and they could tell me themself. That probably didn't make sense but basically I'm friends with this person and I knew that she had a significant other but it didn't really matter because I don't have romantic feelings for them. Anyways the only physical contact I have with them is linking arms in the halls to not get separated and hugging when we see each other. Normal for friends right? Their girlfriend just told me to stop hitting on them or else she'd beat me up. This is now the third time someone has threatened to beat me up this school year. I didn't know who it was so I blocked them but they had two completely different numbers and kept texting me. Long story short, after fiver minutes I resolved the conflict because I'm totally mature. I lied that I also had a girlfriend so they could synthesis with me more, which is a complete lie. I'm not dating anyone lol. They said they knew I had a girlfriend even though I didn't so asked for proof and she said that she would stalk me to figure it out. She brought up this other girl that said that I was flirting and trying to kiss her which is a lie because I'm not comfortable doing stuff like that. I apologized even though I actually did nothing and I thought we already said I wouldn't do it again earlier but she's is stupid.
Just thought I'd share that with y'all because I thought it was interesting.
Anyways have a nice day/night

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